Expert Committee on Forest Science

This committee reports to the Forestry Commissioners via the Forest Research Board.

Role and remit

The Expert Committee on Forest Science (ECFS) is established by the Board of Forestry Commissioners to provide independent, expert advice and assurance on the quality of science and evidence provided by Forest Research (the Forestry Commission’s research agency) and other providers.

The ECFS will also act as a resource to advise, if required, the Research Strategy Reference Group, which provides the cross-border mechanism by which the Forestry Commission, the UK Government and the devolved administrations formulate and deliver strategies for forestry science in the UK to support the objectives of forestry in the UK.

In carrying out the remit the committee will be responsible for:

  • providing assurance on the robustness of the science proposed to address the research questions in the commissioned research programmes
  • reviewing the quality of science provided by Forest Research to ensure it is fit for purpose and defensible
  • considering the adequacy of long-term capacity and capability in core areas of forestry science, taking into account that provided by Forest Research and other external providers
  • providing a perspective on the quality and applicability of applied research, particularly where it is not subject to formal external peer review
  • supporting Forest Research in the development of its staff, by informal contacts and providing advice
  • advising on opportunities for collaboration and new research programmes
  • providing an independent view to the Forestry Commission and those tasked with commissioning research, on forthcoming challenges, which may require a research focus in the future


The committee will comprise a chair and at least 7 members, including Forest Research’s chief scientist.  The chair and 5 of the members will be from the scientific and stakeholder community. The committee may also appoint an early career professional from the stakeholder community as an observer. The secretary is provided by Forest Research. The chair and members are appointed to terms of 3 years and may serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms

External members, with the core skills, expertise and experience required to help deliver the business of the committee, are recruited in line with the procedures outlined in the Code of Practice for Scientific Advisory Committees (GoScience 2024 Code of Practice for Scientific Advisory Committees and Councils: CoPSAC 2021 ).  Appointees are members in their own right and do not serve as representatives of stakeholder organisations.

Current members are:

  • Professor Andrew Watkinson (chair) - Emeritus Professor, University of East Anglia
  • Professor Darren Evans - Professor of Ecology and Conservation, Newcastle University
  • Andrew Heald - Andrew Heald Consulting
  • Professor Christopher Quine - Chief Scientist, Forest Research
  • Dr Christine Cahalan - Honorary Senior Lecturer, Bangor University
  • Professor Dr Maria Nijnik - Environmental Economist and Principal Social Scientist, James Hutton Institute
  • Professor Thomas Meagher - Plant Evolutionary Biologist, University of St Andrews
  • Dr Julie Urquhart - Associate Professor in Environmental Social Science at the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) at the University of Gloucestershire
  • Dr Eleanor Tew - Natural Capital and Resilience Programme Manager for Forestry England (Early Career Professional Observer)


If you would like a copy of any meeting minutes, contact

You can find minutes up until 2016 on the National Archives.

Contact details