Food and Drink Export Council

The Food and Drink Export Council (FDEC) has now come to the end of its initial 18-month term. The council sat seven times from January 2023 to June 2024, bringing UK government, devolved administrations, industry bodies and businesses together with a focus on boosting exports.


The FDEC was set up following a recommendation from the Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) in 2021. The TAC was an independent advisory board set up to advise and inform the government’s trade policies.

The council was a working level group, comprised of representatives from:

  • the Department for Business and Trade (DBT)
  • the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
  • devolved administrations
  • industry bodies
  • a selection of dynamic and innovative businesses

Members worked together in a shared endeavour to boost food and drink exports.

Members of the council provided a range of relevant knowledge and ensure representation across the UK and the food and drink sector.


The FDEC used a collaborative approach. The FDEC harnessed expertise and resource from the UK government and devolved administrations and industry in a collective endeavour to increase UK agriculture, food, and drink exports.

Out of scope

The group did not set government policy. It was not a lobbying body. The group had no remit to discuss strategic trade policy, negotiations of free trade agreements, or areas of devolved or reserved competence.


The FDEC met on a quarterly basis. The FDEC has now come to an end of its initial 18-month term, there were periodic reviews to ensure it delivered in line with its terms of reference.


The council was co-chaired by the Minister for Exports, Lord Offord of Garvel CVO and Ian Wright CBE.

The Council members during the 18-month term were:

  • Lord Offord of Garvel CVO, Minister for Exports (Co-chair)
  • Ian Wright CBE (Co-chair)
  • Andy Richardson, Food and Drink Wales
  • Anthony Mulley, Marlow Ingredients
  • David Thomson, Food and Drink Federation
  • Dominic Goudie, Diageo
  • Donna Fordyce, Seafood Scotland
  • Ewen Cameron, Scottish Development International
  • Grainne Moody, Invest Northern Ireland
  • Helen Dallimore, Coombe Castle International
  • Iain Baxter, Scotland Food and Drink
  • Karen Morgan, DBT
  • Keith Smyton, Welsh Government Food Division
  • Margaret Boanas, International Meat Trade Association
  • Michael Bell OBE, Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association
  • Nick von Westenholz, National Farmers Union
  • Patricia Dillon, Speyside Distillers
  • Phil Hadley, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
  • Sandra Sullivan MBE, Food and Drink Exporters Association
  • Tee Sandhu, SamosaCo
  • Tim Brooks, Defra

Working groups

The council established 4 working groups, each chaired by members of the council. These met at least monthly to progress specific areas of work and where necessary, draw in further expertise and action from the sector.

The working groups were:

  • Information and Communications: chaired by Andy Richardson (chair, Food and Drink Wales Industry Board), this group looked at identifying and implementing areas where sharing of expertise, information, funding, investment, or resources across the UK could benefit food and drink exporters
  • Barriers: chaired by Margaret Boanas (chairman, International Meat Trade Association), this group looked at how to support existing market access work to identify and prioritise market access opportunities and reduce barriers that constrain export growth
  • Capability: chaired by Anthony Mulley (Head of Business Development, Marlow Ingredients), this group identified the support and skills needed for businesses to trade successfully and increase the sector’s export capability and ambition
  • Markets and Marketing: chaired by Sandra Sullivan MBE (director, Food and Drink Exporters Association), this group looked at how to ensure effective promotion of export support and opportunities to UK businesses and effective showcasing of the UK’s strengths to international audiences

Deposited papers

View the following deposited papers on the UK Parliament website:


The work of the FDEC was supported by a secretariat provided by DBT.

Contact the secretariat at

Contact details