Forensic Information Databases Service

The Forensic Information Databases Service (FINDS) Unit in the Home Office manages national biometric databases on behalf of policing.

The Forensic Information Databases Service (FINDS) Unit manages the:

  • National DNA Database (NDNAD)
  • National Fingerprint Database (IDENT1)
  • National Footwear Database

The databases generate matches linking forensic evidence found at scenes of crime to the biometrics of people who have been arrested. Database matches can also be generated for safeguarding purposes – linking the DNA and fingerprints from missing persons and vulnerable persons (who may have come to harm) to scenes of crime.

What we do

FINDS is responsible to the Forensic Information Databases (FIND) Strategy Board (for DNA and fingerprints) and the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) Fingerprint and Footwear Strategic Board (for footwear) for:

  • managing the biometric databases
  • assurance activities to monitor compliance against standards

Proficiency testing (PT)

The high performance of laboratories that process forensic evidence is critical in the ability to generate a DNA profile that is of high enough quality to search against, or keep on, the NDNAD.

Proficiency testing is an essential requirement for the accreditation of forensic service provider (FSP) units to ISO/IEC 17025. It is also an important way of comparing laboratory performance against other organisations carrying out similar tasks.  Proficiency testing schemes provided by FINDS allow FSPs to identify and implement improvements and provide assurance on the quality of their processes.

FINDS also provides an ISO/IEC 17043 accredited body fluid assessment and identification (BFAI) proficiency testing scheme. The scheme supports law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to locate, identify, and recover body fluids and cellular material. Carrying out these activities to the highest possible standard is essential for isolating a good quality forensic DNA sample suitable for processing.

The current scheme covers the provision of items seeded with blood and cellular material – including cellular touch, cellular worn, and cellular buccal (mouth cells) saliva – which are body fluids regularly recovered at crime scenes. The participating organisation must perform an assessment of the test items, locate and identify the body fluid and, where applicable, recover sufficient DNA to produce a profile suitable for NDNAD searching.

For queries from organisations on the proficiency testing services offered by FINDS, email

Database Services

Database Services provide administrative oversight of the database systems, including data integrity, security, and access.

NDNAD operations enable DNA profiles to be searched 24/7 to provide matches between crime scenes and individuals, or between different crime scenes. The match information is sent out to UK and international LEAs to support the investigation of offences.

IDENT1 and National Footwear System (NFS) operations oversee the integrity of the data records on the fingerprint and footwear databases, with the FINDS National Fingerprint and PNC Office (NFPO) also processing intelligence fingerprint matches for the National Crime Agency (NCA) Missing Persons Unit.

Performance impact analysts (PIAs)

PIAs manage the data integrity of the whole DNA and fingerprint supply process. They:

  • identify trends and metrics to monitor compliance against standards
  • work with stakeholders and customers (LEAs and FSPs) to identify where process improvements could be made to maintain the data integrity of matches generated from the databases

PIAs also collate the information necessary to answer parliamentary questions and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) submissions, and provide data for the FIND Strategy Board annual report.

Scientific Services

Scientific Services lead on scientific development and research. They provide expertise to develop and implement business processes to support the adoption of new technology within the forensic information databases while collaborating with stakeholders. Database improvements are reported in the FIND Strategy Board annual report.

Scientific Services also directly administer:

  • the UK national Missing Persons DNA Database (MPDD), processing intelligence DNA matches for the NCA Missing Persons Unit
  • the Forensic Science Service (FSS) DNA electronic dataset, ensuring the ongoing availability and integrity of DNA profiles that were generated by the FSS in support of the criminal justice system

Documents and references

FINDS policy documents:

FIND Strategy Board policy documents:

FIND Strategy Board governance and annual report:

National DNA Database statistics – quarterly

Contact details