Future of Flight Industry Group

Industry and government collaboration on creating and delivering a Future of Flight Plan to maximise the benefits of Future of Flight technologies while ensuring their emergence is safe and secure.

The Future of Flight Industry Group (FFIG) brings together government, industry and other key stakeholders to collaborate on the development and delivery of a Future of Flight Plan that will accelerate the growth of Future of Flight safely and securely in the UK.

The plan sets out the actions that industry, government and other stakeholders need to take to maximise the benefits of Future of Flight technologies, for the economy and for communities. It also considers how to continue implementing the high UK standard on aviation safety in an appropriate way for these new aviation technologies and their appropriate integration with other transport modes.

Working groups

The FFIG has the remit to establish working groups to address specific areas in relation to the Future of Flight Plan. Information on established working groups will appear here.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available on request. Email ASIS-PMO@dft.gov.uk for a copy.

Contact details
