Guidance Strategy Forum

HMRC has introduced a Guidance Strategy Forum to further improve the effectiveness of its guidance.


This forum brings together external stakeholders to:

  • inform and influence the direction of HMRC’s guidance strategy
  • test thinking on guidance direction and plans
  • increase understanding of different users’ needs
  • help gauge the effectiveness of solutions put in place

The introduction of this forum also supports the Office of Tax Simplification recommendation that HMRC should introduce an ‘advice and guidance panel’.


Association of Accounting Technicians

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Association of International Accountants

Association of Taxation Technicians

Chartered Accountants Ireland

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Chartered Institute of Taxation

Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

International Association of Bookkeepers

Institute of Chartered Accountants for Scotland

Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

Institute of Certified Practising Accountants

Institute of Financial Accountants

Low Income Tax Reform Group


Citizens Advice Bureau

Value Added Tax Practitioners Group

Office of Tax Simplification

Administrative Burdens Advisory Board

Lexis Nexis


Tax academics

Terms of reference

The forum is chaired by HMRC’s Strategic Head of Guidance and includes a variety of HMRC and external representatives.

The forum convenes every quarter.

The forum takes a strategic approach by focusing on our core approach to guidance, our products and our direction. It consults with external representative bodies with a view to ensuring our guidance strategy meets their needs and the needs of the groups they represent.

This forum focuses on our high-level guidance strategy, whereas other existing forums usually focus on particular areas of tax and can involve detailed technical discussion.

The forum secretariat will be an HMRC officer. The secretariat will:

  • seek agenda items from members and circulate the agenda well in advance of a planned meeting
  • take minutes and record action points

Representatives will be advised of progress on action points by email between meetings.


Minutes - 24 April 2024

Minutes - 24 January 2024 (ODT, 12.9 KB)

Archived minutes

Previous years’ minutes are available via The National Archives:

Contact details