Improving cross-sector support for children in complex situations with multiple needs task and finish group

The group will work to improve outcomes for children who are in complex situations and are currently, or at risk of, being deprived of their liberty, by ensuring that there is an aligned cross-government approach to commissioning and delivering the best possible models care.


The group’s main objectives are to:

  • develop guidance and system resources which establish a joined-up approach to commissioning across health, social care and education for children in this cohort
  • develop and pilot evidence-based models of safe therapeutic care for children in this cohort
  • make recommendations for future phases of work; including medium and longer-term plans

Terms of reference

Task and finish group terms of reference (PDF, 2.49 MB, 3 pages)


Current members:

  • Sophie Langdale, Fran Oram and Sarah Jennings from Department for Education
  • Prathiba Chitsabesan, National Health Service England
  • Claire Fielder and Alan Webster from Ministry of Justice
  • Kathy Smethurst from Department of Health and Social Care
  • John Pearce and Nigel Minns from Association of Directors of Children’s Services
  • Lynne Abrahms and Giles Mcathie from Youth Custody Service
  • Rachel De Souza and Juliette Cammearts from Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Meeting dates

From July 2023 the group will meet roughly every 6 weeks until Spring 2024.



In 2024, the group will publish a number of independent research reports aimed at increasing government’s understanding of the issues around designing, commissioning and delivering suitable provision for children with complex trauma. These research reports will include:

  • a ‘user journey map’ which provides a granular, user-led view of how the system works, how it impacts on children and young people and how we could do things differently to achieve better outcomes for children and young people
  • a thematic review of available academic, administrative and practice evidence, which aims to understand best practice and barriers in the cases of children who are in complex situations

In 2024, we will communicate outputs from discussions with the sector and practitioners about effective short-term placements in times of crisis and more permanent placements. These will:

  • gather evidence of good practice examples, including examples of effective short-term placements in times of crisis and of longer term more permanent placements
  • help us to understand what doesn’t work and provide examples of the gaps in the package of care and clinical support that is provided to children and young people in this cohort

For more information read cross sector working to improve support for children in complex situations with multiple needs.

Contact details