Joint Data Analysis Centre (JDAC)

The Joint Data and Analysis Centre (JDAC) in the Cabinet Office is dedicated to ensuring that government decisions are informed by the best available data and strategic analysis, drawn from across government, industry, international expertise, academia and open-source intelligence.

Our Purpose

We produce robust analysis and insights to support policy and decision-making, enabled by our direct link to skills and expertise from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and partnerships. This includes:

  • Thematic analysis in high-priority cross-cutting areas, including the economy, energy, resilience, national security, trade, inequality, and other societal issues. We also support the Cabinet Office with public sector and Civil Service reform analysis.
  • Foresight analysis to enable the government to prepare for and act on foreseeable developments, opportunities and challenges.
  • International comparative analysis to evaluate how other countries respond to issues that also affect the UK, and identify lessons.

We curate and analyse data and develop the platforms and tools to maximise accessibility for policymakers working closely with 10DS (Data Science), the ONS Data Science Campus and partners across and beyond government.

We bring together timely data and insights to build situational awareness on crisis and national security issues and help ensure the UK is ready in the event of and during crises. 

Our Partners

We work in partnership with the ONS and in collaboration with the Government Office for Science (GO-Science) and the broader analytical community. We convene cross-government analytical leaders to inform strategic decision-making.

For general enquiries please contact us at

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