Labour Market Advisory Board
The Labour Market Advisory Board brings together external expertise on the labour market to design policies, strategies and advise the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
Who we are
The Labour Market Advisory Board (LMAB) brings together external expertise on the labour market to advise the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. The group’s overall aim is to support the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to better understand the current state of the labour market, to help design policies and strategies to address key challenges and to act as a “critical friend” by providing robust external insight and ideas.
The Board’s work should be driven by the Secretary of State’s priorities for the labour market: to tackle inactivity particularly where driven by long-term health conditions; the transition for young people between education and employment; and how we support people into good work and prioritise opportunities for in-work progression.
What we do
The Board’s purpose is to:
- provide insight into key labour market challenges the government is facing, by sharing relevant expertise and evidence. Where appropriate, members will be asked to help convene wider stakeholders to provide additional insight
- bring specific knowledge and insight to the fore through recommendations to the Secretary of State to support development of the department’s labour market strategy
- synthesise research to inform the department’s evidence base and plans for labour market reform
- where appropriate, the Board can seek the department’s support to develop information and insight for consideration on priority topics and policy development. These should draw on the department’s existing evidence and available data to identify potential gaps and areas where policies should focus
Arrangements for LMAB
LMAB will work to develop advice for Secretary of State on specific topic areas with regular interaction with the department. The Board will come together in whole or part as agreed with and directed by the Chair.
A review of the membership and remit of the board will take place after 12 months.
All members will contribute to the work and can propose work topic and agenda items. DWP will provide secretariat support for LMAB and will create a forward look of business and topics. Agendas and papers will, where possible, be circulated no less than 24 hours before each meeting. However, due to the pace of work or subject matter sensitivities, some papers may be limited to being presented on the day.
The work programme and any meeting agendas will be approved by the Chair. Items being developed and presented to/by the Board will be sponsored by a Board member who will introduce the item and any speakers.
Outcomes will be captured and communicated in a timely manner.
LMAB is chaired by Paul Gregg, former Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Policy at the University of Bath, University of Bath. DWP officials will also attend meetings where relevant to present on or support discussions on specific agenda items.
List of members
Paul Gregg (Chair), Former Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Policy at the University of Bath
Anita Charlesworth, Director of Research and Economics, Health Foundation
Baroness McGregor-Smith, House of Lords
Gavin Kelly, Executive Chair, Resolution Foundation
Lindsey Macmillan, Professor of Economics Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities
Nicola Smith, Head of Rights, International, Social and Economics Department, TUC
Stephen Machin, Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Stuart McIntyre, Professor of Economics, University of Strathclyde
Member biographies
Terms of Reference