Local Enterprise Partnership Area ESI Funds Sub-Committees

Thirty-eight Local Enterprise Partnership areas support the delivery of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI) Funds Growth Programme in England.

Each Local Enterprise Partnership area has a sub-committee that provided implementation advice to the Managing Authorities for the ESI Fund Growth Programme in England. In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, this sub-committee is known as the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) Board.

Role and responsibilities

Each Local Enterprise Partnership area ESI Funds sub-committee (including the ITI Board) advised the Managing Authorities on local growth conditions and priorities with regard to project call specifications and funding applications. Their advice was informed by ESI Fund Strategies in each Local Enterprise Partnership area and was framed within the context of Operational Programmes.

Local Enterprise Partnership Area ESI Funds sub-committees terms of reference (PDF, 155 KB, 4 pages)

Membership and support

The Local Enterprise Partnership area ESI Funds sub-committee (and ITI Board) membership reflects the priorities of the Operational Programmes that apply in each area and the supporting local ESI Fund strategies. The membership also reflects, as far as possible, the breadth and diversity of partners specified in Article 5 of the Common Provisions Regulations and the European Union Code of Conduct on Partnership.

The latest membership lists are available to view along with past meeting documents. Details on this can be found below.

Past meeting documents

The latest documents from Local Enterprise Partnership area ESI Funds sub-committee meetings (including the ITI Board), together with latest membership lists, are available here.

ESIF programmes continue to invest in projects after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. All funding must finish by the end of 2023.

Contact details
