National Registry for Radiation Workers Governance Group
This group was established in 2022 to provide governance and oversight of the epidemiology work proposed using data from the study.
Committee membership
- Independent Chair – a senior academic or medically qualified (but not necessarily still registered to practise) or senior scientist (appointed by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) with agreement of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to serve a maximum first term of 5 years with the option of a second 2-year term by agreement of the committee)
- UKHSA management representative(s) with responsibility for the study
- the UKHSA scientific lead for the study
- UKHSA secretariat (Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards’s (CRCE) Radiation Effects Department)
- NDA management representative(s)
- representatives from other employers – 3 or 4 at one time
- workforce representatives – ideally 3 from the unions who represent employees with participating organisations and a retiree representative
- at least one occupational health physician from a significant participating organisation
- UKHSA Head of Research Governance
- other individuals with required expertise as determined by the committee
Terms of reference (ToR)
Download Terms of reference: National Registry for Radiation Workers Data governance group (PDF, 55 KB, 2 pages)
The remit of this group is to provide independent governance and oversight of research proposed using the National Registry for Radiation Workers (NRRW) cohort. The approval of this group will be a pre-requisite to the use of NRRW data for research.
The group will review proposals to use data, taking account of the following:
- the purpose of the study and the question being asked
- design and conduct of the study
- data security
- protection of participants’ confidentiality
- provision of appropriate information about the study to cohort members
- participants’ right to withdraw
- the impact of the potential results of the study on cohort members and the wider workforce of radiation workers
- reputational risks to UKHSA, NDA and other stakeholders
This group will:
- only approve studies that have been subject to appropriate ethical review and approval
- have the power to veto any given research proposal or, in appropriate circumstances, to require the cessation of any ongoing project
- have the option to seek independent advice from experts as appropriate to ensure it can adequately review proposals
- ensure that key stakeholders, including employers and study participants, are appropriately briefed prior to publication or other dissemination
- ensure that the programme of work is effectively communicated, for example by means of an annual report of work undertaken that is made accessible to study participants and to encourage publication of research findings
- support and encourage the flow of data into the NRRW from employers
- meet twice a year with the aim that one of the times will be face-to-face and the other online – additional meetings can be added if a need arises
A quorum for the group is defined as at least one member from each of the following groups: UKHSA, workforces (unions), NDA and at least one additional data provider.
An agenda item, to formally review the ToR, will be scheduled annually.
Upcoming meetings
- 4 July 2025
Previous meetings
- 24 January 2025: sixth meeting agenda
- 19 July 2024: fifth meeting minutes and fifth meeting agenda
- 26 January 2024: fourth meeting minutes and fourth meeting agenda
- 7 July 2023: third meeting minutes and third meeting agenda
- 27 January 2023: second meeting minutes and second meeting agenda
- 8 July 2022: first meeting minutes (PDF, 106 KB, 4 pages) and first meeting agenda (PDF, 114 KB, one page)
View all previous meeting minutes and agendas.