Net Zero Council

This is a partnership between government, business and finance, providing cross-cutting strategy across major business sectors to deliver our net zero target.

Delivery of net zero relies on strong business action. This is why we have established the Net Zero Council, a partnership between government, business and finance.

The Council provides cross-cutting strategy across major business sectors to deliver our net zero target and capture the benefits of this transition in the UK. It supports industry to help cut their emissions and develop greener practices, as well as delivering on the government’s priority to grow the economy by finding ways to ensure British businesses can benefit from the UK’s world-leading position in renewable technology.

Read the press release announcing its inception (9 May 2023).


The Council supports the delivery of our net zero target by working with business, industry, investors and finance leaders to identify and secure existing and future economic opportunities for the UK.  

The Council’s key objectives include:

  • working to ensure business sectors have robust pathways to net zero. This includes identifying the barriers to net zero across sectors and the solutions to these blockers
  • leading a systematic review of the financing challenges and the respective roles of government, industry and the financial sector in addressing them
  • identifying key challenges facing SMEs up and down the country in reducing their carbon footprints and supporting their transition with new information, advice and support


The Council is co-chaired by:

  • Energy Minister Justin Tomlinson
  • Chief Executive of The Co-operative Group, Shirine Khoury-Haq

The co-chairs are supported by leaders from across the business, finance and industry:

Name Position Organisation
Brian Cox UK Managing Director Kuehne + Nagel​
Alice Delahunty President of Electricity Transmission National Grid ​​
Carl Ennis CEO Siemens ​
Liv Garfield CEO Severn Trent ​
Matthew Hammerstein CEO of UK Corporate Bank Barclays
Jo-Jo Hubbard Co-founder and CEO Electron ​
Chris Hulatt Co-founder Octopus Investments ​​
Martin McTague National Chair FSB
John Neal CEO Lloyds of London ​​
Alistair Phillips-Davies CEO SSE
Richard Robinson CEO Atkins
Lex Russell UK Managing Director Cemex
Ian Simm CEO Impax Asset Management​
Ian Stuart UK CEO HSBC
David Thomas CEO Barratt ​​
Rhian-Mari Thomas CEO Green Finance Institute​​
Richard Watson UK CEO Nestle

The Net Zero Council’s secretariat is led by:


We will publish summary minutes from the Net Zero Council meetings here.

Contact details

If you would like to get involved with the Net Zero Council and contribute to its goals, please contact