One Login Inclusion and Privacy Advisory Group

The One Login Inclusion and Privacy Advisory Group (OLIPAG) advises the Government Digital Service’s GOV.UK One Login programme on inclusion, privacy, data usage, equality and digital identity.


The One Login Inclusion and Privacy Advisory Group (OLIPAG) advises the GOV.UK One Login programme within the Government Digital Service (GDS) on inclusion, privacy, data usage, equality and digital identity.

OLIPAG aims to ensure that GOV.UK One Login maintains privacy for users and is an inclusive and accessible service.

OLIPAG provides independent guidance, feedback and analysis on various aspects of the GOV.UK One Login programme as the number of users and services expands and new features are added. 

OLIPAG’s expertise may be sought by other parts of GDS or wider government. Members may also seek updates on topics relevant to digital identity from other parts of government.

OLIPAG was established in November 2023 following the merger of the Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group (PCAG) and the Privacy and Inclusion Advisory Forum (PIAF).

Terms of reference


OLIPAG is an independent advisory body. 

GDS provides the secretariat and supports the effective running of meetings. OLIPAG is independent from government and members are able to express their views freely.

The GOV.UK One Login programme will take the advice of OLIPAG into consideration.


OLIPAG normally meets 4 times a year. Additional meetings may be called as necessary.

Members are expected to attend a minimum of half of the meetings in a calendar year.

A Director or Deputy Director from the GOV.UK One Login programme at GDS attends each meeting.

The agenda and any accompanying papers are circulated at least 7 days before a meeting. 

Minutes of each meeting are published on GOV.UK. 

Sub-groups for specific work streams may be formed as required.


OLIPAG is co-chaired by 2 of its members: Bryn Robinson-Morgan and Edgar Whitley.

Chairs are elected by consensus of members and hold office for a year. Where consensus is not possible the co-chairs will be elected by a simple majority of members.

Meetings are run jointly by the co-chairs. Their role is to: 

  • set and steer the agenda
  • facilitate constructive dialogue 
  • manage the timing of discussions 
  • ensure that all members have an opportunity to input 
  • identify follow-up actions

The co-chairs and GDS decide the agenda in advance of each meeting.

Minutes are approved by the co-chairs ahead of publication.

GDS and members may choose to use other channels such as email or an online forum, as an additional route for advice and feedback outside of meetings. The code of conduct below applies to all channels. 


OLIPAG’s membership is made up of individuals, and representatives from organisations with expertise in fields relevant to GOV.UK One Login such as inclusion, privacy, civil society and equality.

GDS can propose new members, for consideration and agreement by the co-chairs to ensure a diverse membership is maintained. 

Members may nominate a colleague from their organisation to attend a meeting, if they are unable to do so. Those attending should adhere to the terms of reference and code of conduct. 

Members should formally notify the co-chairs if they wish to leave OLIPAG.


Co-chairs: Edgar Whitley, London School of Economics and Bryn Robinson-Morgan, Moresburg Ltd

  • Margaret Ford, Consult Hyperion 
  • Sam Smith, Med Confidential
  • Colin Griffiths, Citizens Advice 
  • Tom Fisher, Privacy International
  • Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Mariano delli Santi, Open Rights Group
  • Silkie Carlo, Big Brother Watch 
  • Gavin Freeguard, Open Data Institute
  • Chris Pounder, Amberhawk 
  • Mark Durkee, Centre for Data Ethics
  • Hannah Whelan, Good Things Foundation 
  • Nadine Trout, Rural Services Network 
  • Brendan Shepherd, Unlock 
  • Elizabeth Anderson, Digital Poverty Alliance 
  • Swee Leng Harris, King’s College London
  • Louise Bennett, Digital Policy Alliance
  • Viv Adams, Information Commissioner’s Office
  • Christopher Brooks, Age UK

Code of conduct

All members of OLIPAG and GDS attendees are expected to be considerate of others and contribute to a collaborative, respectful and positive environment. 

Some aspects of the GOV.UK One Login programme are sensitive. It’s essential that OLIPAG creates, maintains and operates a trusted environment for discussion while upholding confidentiality.

Being a member of OLIPAG does not prevent members from publicly speaking, writing or publishing on any topic within the remit of the group. Members are not subject to non-disclosure agreements. Information provided to the Group that is marked as sensitive and not for onward sharing cannot be shared outside of OLIPAG. GDS will make it clear when such items are being discussed.

The co-chairs will challenge inappropriate attitudes, language and behaviour that do not meet this code of conduct. The co-chairs and GDS can together take a decision to exclude from the Group anyone who persistently displays inappropriate behaviours.


9 November 2023 minutes (ODT, 32.1 KB)

Identity assurance principles

The Identity assurance principles for identity services in government, created by the then PCAG, set out how the government’s identity assurance approach should meet users’ privacy and consumer expectations. 

In 2023, OLIPAG reviewed the principles and concluded that they remain relevant to GOV.UK One Login. Following this, in May 2024 GDS updated the principles to outline how GOV.UK One Login adheres to each principle.

Contact details