Payroll Consultation Panel
This Panel now ceases to exist.
The Payroll Consultation Panel has been subsumed by the Employment and Payroll Group with effect from December 2014.
Terms of Reference
- The group will be a sub-group of HMRC’s principal consultation forum for employers and their intermediaries - Employer Consultation Forum.
The group will be an effective forum for:
- HMRC to explain and explore implications of potential changes to products and processes impacting on small and medium sized employers.
- Small and medium sized employers to raise and discuss issues or problems in administering their payroll obligations.
- Other Government Departments may be invited when their potential changes to products and processes are identified as having an impact on small/medium employers’ payroll obligations.
- Agenda items will be compiled by the secretary of the group from suggestions by both internal HMRC and external representatives. AOB items should normally be suggested a week in advance of each meeting.
- The deputy head of the Employer Team in Business Customer Unit will chair the group.
- The group will be made up of small and medium sized employers and agents.
- The group will initially meet on a quarterly basis, but in the longer term will utilise IT facilities more, such as “the Collaborative Working pilot” to communicate.
- The minutes of the meetings, terms of reference and a list of panel members will be published on the Internet.
- The secretary of the group will liase with secretaries from other consultation fora, to ensure issues are discussed in the most suitable forum, avoiding any duplication where necessary.
- Action points will be recorded by the secretary and representatives will be advised of progress.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting frequency - three times annually.
Please see the National Archives website for previous minutes.