KHM Clyde

King's Harbour Master Clyde.

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About KHM Clyde

The King’s Harbour Master, Faslane and his organisation exist in order to ensure safe and orderly passage and activity for all vessels within the waters of the Clyde Dockyard Port of Garelcoh and Loch Long.

The KHM is an independent authority accountable to the Secretary of State through Naval Base Commander (Clyde) who is primarily responsible for the protection of the port of Faslane, the Royal Navy and its vessels and other government assets.

However, he also has far wider responsibilities ranging from environmental issues, oil pollution contingency and response, and conservation to the management of the water space for all users (military, commercial or leisure) and business continuity.

This is achieved through:

KHM responsibilities

The King’s Harbour Master and organisation exist to ensure safe and orderly passage and activity for all vessels within the waters of the Dockyard Port.

KHM is an independent authority accountable to the Secretary of State through Naval Base Commander who is primarily responsible for the protection of the port, the Royal Navy and its vessels and other government assets.However, they also have far wider responsibilities ranging from environmental issues, oil pollution contingency and response and conservation to the management of the water space for all users (military, commercial or leisure) and business continuity.

This is achieved through:

  • a Dockyard Port Order
  • the provision of competent admiralty pilots and harbour controllers
  • liaison with other authorities with an interest in safe navigation in the port


Notices to mariners

Local notices and general directions

Report an incident

To report an incident please complete this form.

Access services

You can access a range of KHM Clyde services such as tidal data, our Safety Management System and useful information for port users here

How to contact KHM Clyde

By post:

King's Harbour Master Clyde
Renown Building
HMNB Clyde
G84 8HL

By telephone:

Harbour control: +44 (0)1436 674321 ext. 3555
Planning enquiries: +44 (0)1436 674321 ext. 6499
Ship’s managers: +44 (0)1436 674321 ext. 3062
24hr telephone: +44 (0)1436 674321 ext. 3555

Very High Frequency channel: CH 73

By email: