South West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC)

The Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) is a committee established by the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that brings together members appointed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and independent members with relevant experience for 3 purposes:

  • to ensure there are coherent plans for identifying, communicating and managing flood and coastal erosion risks across catchments and shorelines
  • to encourage efficient, targeted and risk-based investment in flood and coastal erosion risk management that represents value for money and benefits local communities
  • to provide a link between the Environment Agency, LLFAs, other risk management authorities, and other relevant bodies to build understanding of flood and coastal erosion risks in its area


Meeting dates

  • 25 April 2025
  • 17 July 2025
  • 23 October 2025
  • 22 January 2026

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend as observers. If you would like more information on the upcoming meetings, would like to request copies of the papers or would like the details to join the virtual meetings please email


If you would like a copy of the most recent agenda and/or papers, then please contact


We don’t currently have any vacancies available. However, if you are interesting in joining the RFCC you can register your interest by emailing us.


Member Organisation
Philip Rees Chairman
Martyn Alvey Cornwall Council
David Crabtree Cornwall Council
Anthony Soady Cornwall Council
Harry Legg Council of the Isles of Scilly
Stuart Hughes Devon County Council
Ron Peart Devon County Council
Roger Croad Devon County Council
Alistair Dewhirst Devon County Council
Tom Briars-Delve Plymouth City Council
Andrew Strang Torbay Council
Neil Gunn Inland flooding
Laurence Couldrick Nature, conservation and wider environmental issues
Dr Timothy Poate Coastal processes
Dominic Fairman Agriculture, farming and land management
Mark Worsfold Water and utility companies
Luci Isaacson BEM Business interests
Elaine Hayes Nature, conservation and wider environmental issues
Patrick Aubrey - Fletcher Agriculture, farming and land management

Contact details