Tax Credits Consultation Forum

This forum is HMRC’s main channel for consulting with external customer representatives on tax credits and the transition to Universal Credits. The group works to improve our engagement with customers and provides a sounding board for ministers for new HMRC initiatives. It is also a channel for information and comment about operational developments or problems, and their impact on customers.

Terms of reference

Chair and membership

The chair and secretariat will be provided by HMRC Customer Directorate (Organisational Listening). Membership is reflective and representative of the continued and changing needs of our customers and will be reviewed annually in line with the terms of reference.

There will be no more than 2 members per organisation represented. Organisations may nominate a deputy to attend when standing members are unable to do so. Consideration will be given to organisations nominating a specialist to attend when an agenda item requires specific expertise.

Other government departments (OGDs) will be invited to attend when their potential changes to products and processes are identified as having an impact on individual customers.

Without being prescriptive of specific actions, the forum should be ‘owned’ by all those attending, with the shared intention of improving services to individual customers most in need of help. It should operate as a partnership.

External members:

  • Advice Northern Ireland
  • Advice Direct Scotland
  • Citizens Advice
  • Communities NI
  • Equity
  • Good Things Foundation
  • Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG)
  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • Peabody
  • Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)
  • Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)


Meetings should be constructive and open. It will be made clear when items to be discussed are confidential and not for wider discussion.

Members will be expected to play an active role and feed information and minutes through to their organisation for onward cascade.

Working methods

Agenda items will be compiled by the secretary of the group from suggestions by both HMRC and representative bodies. Any Other Business (AOB) items should normally be suggested a week in advance of each meeting.


Meetings will feature a mix of presentations from HMRC policy and operational representatives and discussions between HMRC staff and members of the forum.

The group will normally meet 3 times a year, but where appropriate will discuss and decide on issues by email between formal meetings. Exceptionally, additional meetings may be called at short notice to discuss urgent matters.

The forum will set up ad hoc sub-groups to address specific topics and issues. These will work alongside and report back to the main forum, and will be disbanded when no longer needed.

The group secretary will liaise with other HMRC forum secretaries to ensure that issues are discussed in the most suitable forum, to avoid overlaps and duplication of business. Minutes from other forums and sub-groups will be shared at the meeting.

Action points will be recorded by the secretary, and between meetings we will email members to update them on progress.


We will review and evaluate the forums every 6 to 12 months and, if required, refresh the terms of reference.


Minutes - 23 January 2025

You can see previous years’ minutes on The National Archives website:

Further information

If you would like further information, or find out more about whether your organisation would benefit from attending this forum, please contact the team using the link below.

Contact details