Wye Navigation Advisory Committee (WyeNAC)

The Wye Navigation Advisory Committee (WyeNAC) has been established by the Environment Agency under the Wye Navigation Order 2002. This group, the membership of which is defined under the Order, comprises of a forum nominated from a broad and comprehensive list of representative groups.

The challenge facing the Environment Agency, and the various user groups, is to manage the waterway in a way that satisfies all interests whilst meeting our obligations. The WyeNAC will have a vital role in assisting the Environment Agency in balancing these interests whilst protecting the unique nature of the river.

The Wye Navigation Advisory Committee meets in spring and autumn.

Meeting dates

  • Thursday 6 March 2025
  • Thursday 13 November 2025

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend as observers. To attend a meeting or request copies of agendas, papers or approved minutes, please email wye-navigation@environment-agency.gov.uk.


Name Navigation order reference Nominating/representing body (interests represented)
Vacant Part II 3.2 (A) Owners/operators of pleasure craft for hire (owners/operators of pleasure craft for hire)
Chris Pierce Part II 3.2 (B) Outdoor Adventure Centres (Outdoor Adventure Centres)
Jonathan Mosse Part II 3.2 (C) Inland Waterways Association (general recreational motor-boating)
Phil Stone Part II 3.2 (D) Canoe Wales (canoeists on the upper rivers and their tributaries)
Chantelle Grundy Part II 3.2 (E) British Canoeing (canoeists on the principal rivers and their tributaries)
No longer in existence Part II 3.2 (F) Committee for Herefordshire Amateur Rafters (rafters)
Mike Price Part II 3.2 (G) Hereford, Monmouth & Ross Rowing Clubs (rowers)
Kris Kent Part II 3.2 (H) Salmon and Trout Conservation and the Angling Trust (anglers)
Peter Horsburgh Part II 3.2 (I) Wye Catchment Conservators (fishery owners)
Vacant (CLBA currently represented by CLBAW) Part II 3.2 (J) Country Land and Business Association (riparian owners on the principal rivers and their tributaries)
Charles De Winton Part II 3.2 (K) Country Land and Business Association (Wales) (riparian owners on the upper rivers and their tributaries)
Sarah King Part II 3.2 (L) Herefordshire, Radnorshire, Gwent and Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trusts (wildlife and conservation groups)
Andrew Blake Part II 3.2 (M) Wye Valley AONB (Wye Valley AONB)
Cllr Elissa Swinglehurst Part II 3.2 (N) Herefordshire Council (local interests)
Cllr Terry Hale Part II 3.2 (O) Gloucester County Council (local interests)
Cllr Andrew McDermid Part II 3.2 (P) Forest of Dean District Council (local interests)
Cllr John Crook Part II 3.2 (Q) Monmouthshire County Council (local interests)
Cllr Corinna Kenyon-Wade Part II 3.2 (R) Powys County Council (local interests)
Dave Drewett Part II 3.2 (S) Natural Resources Wales
Joe Moran Part II 3.2 (T) Natural England
Vacant Part II 3.2 (U) Sport England & Sports Council for Wales
n/a Part II 3.2 (V) Wye Management Advisory Group (disbanded)
Rebecca MacDonald-Lofts Part II 3.2 (W) Chairman
Andy Ormiston co-opted River Wye Canoe Hire Association
Peter Horsburgh co-opted Wye and Usk Foundation

Contact details
