Ministerial role

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Levelling Up)


  • Levelling Up White Paper, LU cabinet committees, LU taskforce
  • Devolution & county deals
  • UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  • City & growth deals
  • Levelling Up Fund
  • Community Ownership Fund
  • High Streets, towns, commercial property and community assets
  • Freeports
  • Mayoral Combined Authorities/pan-regional bodies
  • The Union & Constitution, and local govt engagement in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • UK Common Frameworks
  • Legislation: Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill (joint with Housing Minister)

Previous holders of this role

  1. Lia Nici

    2022 to 2022

  2. Neil O'Brien MP

    2021 to 2022