News story

007 joins UK Forces in Afghanistan for Skyfall screening

Soldiers, sailors and airmen serving at Camp Bastion in Helmand, southern Afghanistan, met 007 star Daniel Craig when he visited the base today, 18 November 2012.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Daniel Craig (left) visits British Armed Forces at Camp Bastion, southern Afghanistan

Daniel Craig (left) visits British Armed Forces at Camp Bastion, southern Afghanistan [Picture: Corporal Neil Bryden RAF, Crown Copyright/MOD 2012]

He surprised the 800 troops who were about to watch Skyfall, the latest Bond film.

After a brief introduction of the film to the enthusiastic audience, Daniel was given a tour of the camp during which he had an opportunity to meet soldiers and see some of the training they do before they deploy to forward operating bases.

Travelling in a Foxhound vehicle, he received a demonstration of its capabilities from Force Master Driver Warrant Officer Class 1 Rob Ingham. WO1 Ingham said:

We get quite a lot of visitors here, but having James Bond was special. He seemed to be pretty comfortable in the driving seat!

Daniel then moved to the Heavy Weapons Range and was given the opportunity to fire some of the machine guns that UK forces use.

Daniel also met staff and patients at the world class Bastion Role 3 Hospital which is acknowledged to be a centre of excellence for trauma medicine.

Private Scott Craggs, aged 23 from Newcastle, a Combat Medical Technician serving with 3 Medical Regiment, said:

It was really good morale for everyone - it’s a decent thing for him to take time to come out and visit everyone here.

His final stop was a practical demonstration of counter-improvised explosive device search techniques, where he was given the opportunity to use detectors to search for buried training devices.

Daniel was taught the skills to find roadside bombs by the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and Search Task Force. Squadron Sergeant Major Warrant Officer Class 2 Paul Ward said:

It was good to see Daniel Craig here in Bastion. His interest in the work of the EOD and Search Task Force is really appreciated. Our training is critical to keeping Afghans and our own soldiers safe.

Sergeant Dave Hammond RAF, who was one of those lucky enough to get a ticket for the film, said:

It was like a return to the old James Bonds. There was a bit of humour and some spectacular effects. It was great to be able to see the film here and to have James Bond himself to introduce it was brilliant!

Private Shane Awbery, aged 23 from Doncaster, also saw the film. The Communications Specialist from the UK Medical Group said:

It was great morale and the atmosphere in the tent when we were watching the film was buzzing. The film was really good too - and I liked it that he answered our questions.

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Published 18 November 2012