100 years of friendship: exhibition at the British Embassy Warsaw
A new exhibition at the British Embassy Warsaw displays important moments in the shared history of Poland and the United Kingdom.

From 31 May 2019, the British Embassy in Warsaw is decorated with the most important moments in the shared history of Poland and the United Kingdom. In the form of a photo exhibition, titled “100 years of friendship,” the Embassy celebrates the 100th anniversary of the renewal of Polish-British diplomatic relations.
It was 100 years ago, on 26 February 1919, that Sir Esme Howard, British Civil Delegate on the International Commission to Poland, wrote the following key sentence to Marshal Józef Piłsudski, Chief of State of the newly re-established Republic of Poland:
His Britannic Majesty’s Government acknowledges Poland’s restoration to independence.
With this gesture, Sir Howard renewed Polish-British relations after 124 years.
Apart from being able to see the portrait of Sir Esme Howard himself, the Embassy’s exhibition shows the most significant people and events in the recent history of both countries. These include, to name a few: the breaking of the Enigma code, the achievements of the 303 Squadron, General Władysław Anders’ contribution to the Polish community abroad, The Rolling Stones’ concert in Warsaw, Margaret Thatcher’s visit to Poland, Polish Presidents’ visits to the United Kingdom, and the recent commemoration of the 75th anniversary of The Great Escape.
Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Poland, Jonathan Knott, commented on the exhibition:
Our countries have long-standing historical and cultural ties. Poland and the United Kingdom have always been allies, whether during World War II when Polish soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder with the British army, or today, when Poland is one of our closest NATO partners.
The ‘100 years of friendship’ exhibition illustrates some of the moments and events that have shaped our shared history and brought our countries together.
The photographs are displayed on the Embassy’s fence to coincide with the Queen’s Birthday Party. This year, the event will celebrate the past 100 years of friendship.
The exhibition will be available to the public until the end of 2019.