£12 million contracts support nuclear decommissioning research
R&D framework contracts worth up to £12 million were awarded to a series of consortia, as NDA seeks innovative solutions to technical challenges.
Among the organisations involved are UK universities, global corporations and around 20 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The NDA’s Direct Research Portfolio (DRP) forms a key part of the NDA’s strategic research programme and focuses on direct funding for research that delivers innovation across multiple sites, develops technical expertise and informs NDA’s strategy.
Following a 5-month procurement process, the 3 new framework contracts were awarded to 10 consortia, involving over 70 organisations and including 3 consortia led by SMEs. The contracts, last awarded in 2012, will cover the next 4 years.
NDA Research Manager Yvonne Morris said:
It was very pleasing to see so many SMEs being engaged in the process and being part of successful consortia. Overall we were delighted with the high quality of the submissions and look forward to working with the organisations on our strategic R&D programme. We now have new multi-supplier contracts aligned with our key strategic themes. With many new organisations involved for the first time we will have broad input into addressing our R&D requirements.
The procurement was launched via a supplier day, aimed to engage smaller businesses in the process and facilitating establishment of consortia to bid for the contracts. Participation was also facilitated by use of the OJEU process and promotion via the NDA website. The contracts were split into 3 ‘lots’:
- Lot A – University Interactions
- Lot B – Integrated Waste Management and Site Decommissioning and Remediation
- Lot C – Spent Fuels and Nuclear Materials
Lot A supports the NDA’s University Research Strategy while Lot B and C support four of NDA’s strategic themes.
The DRP contracts will also address cross-industry R&D requirements identified by the Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning Research Forum. DRP projects often lead to more extensive R&D projects carried out by Site Licence Companies (SLCs) and the supply chain. The combined annual R&D spend by NDA and SLCs is typically more than £85 million.
Following a detailed evaluation of the tender responses and follow-up technical interviews, framework contracts were awarded in each area:
Lot A: University Interactions
Single consortium led by National Nuclear Laboratory.
National Nuclear Laboratory
Supported by Frazer-Nash Consulting.
Lot B: Integrated Waste Management and Site Decommissioning and Remediation
Six consortia led by Amec Foster Wheeler Ltd, Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd, Arup, Eden NE Ltd, Galson Sciences Ltd and NSG Environmental Ltd.
Amec Foster Wheeler Ltd
Consortium: Brenk Systemplanung and Jülich Research Centre, Andra, Cogentus Consulting, DAS Ltd, Imperial College London, Longenecker & Associates, MMI Engineering, NuVision, OC Robotics, Fortum, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester.
Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd
Consortium: AdvanSci, Applied Photonics (APL), Areva RMC, Aurora, ESI, MDecon, Pöyry, ProNu-Dec, Tradebe Inutec, TWI, University of Liverpool, Dalton Nuclear Institute, University of Surrey.
Consortium: Costain, Pöyry, Studsvik, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd, SN3, AdvanSci, MCM, Bilfinger GVA, Pinsent Masons, CL:AIRE, r3 Environmental Technology, Dalton Nuclear Institute.
Eden NE Ltd
Consortium: Cavendish Nuclear, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Golder Associates Limited, Tradebe Inutec, Project Time and Cost International Limited.
Galson Sciences Ltd
Consortium: National Nuclear Laboratory, Frazer-Nash Consulting, Advansci, Amphos 21, Cogentus Consulting, Integrated Decision Management, Jacobs, Kurion, Rodgers Leask, VTT, University of Bristol, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield.
NSG Environmental Ltd
Consortium: AECOM, ARC, Oxford Technologies, NPL, ESG, Quintessa, React Engineering, KDC, Tradebe Innutec, Synergy Health, Nuclear AMRC, Loughborough University, University of Manchester, University of Surrey.
Lot C: Spent Fuels and Nuclear Materials
Three consortia led by AMEC Foster Wheeler Ltd, Areva NC and National Nuclear Laboratory.
Amec Foster Wheeler Ltd
Consortium: Andra, Brenk Systemplanung and Jülich Research Centre, Imperial College, DAS Ltd, Fortum, MMI Engineering, NPL, NRG, OC Robotics, Studsvik, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, Loughborough University.
Areva NC
Consortium: NSG Consultancy, MDecon, Quintessa, University of Liverpool, University of Sheffield.
National Nuclear Laboratory
Consortium: Frazer-Nash Consulting, Galson Sciences Ltd, ALD France, Aquila Nuclear Engineering, DBD, DAS, IDM, Jacobs, Kurion, Rodgers-Leask, University of Bristol, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, Imperial College.
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Published 9 May 2016Last updated 23 May 2016 + show all updates
Inaccuracies related to companies listed in lots corrected.
First published.