2015 Clinical Excellence Awards round opens
The latest round of National Clinical Excellence Awards opened on Tuesday 14 April 2015 and will close at 5pm on Wednesday 17 June 2015.

The onus is on you, as the applicant, to submit your completed online application form to ACCEA by the allotted date and time. To do this you must click on: submit to ACCEA. Failure to do so means that your application will not be accepted for the 2015 National Awards Round.
All applications, new or renewal, must be made on the online system. The Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) has published guidance for applicants, assessors, nominators and employers.
Clinical Excellence Awards recognise and reward NHS consultants and academic GPs who perform ‘over and above’ the standard expected of their role. The Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards gives awards for quality and excellence, acknowledging personal contributions.
The number of new national awards in the 2015 round will remain at 300 for England.