News story

2023 awards round closed for applications

The application window for the 2023 national Clinical Impact Awards has now closed.

Junior doctors walking along a corridor

Next steps

The application window for 2023 has now closed. All applications submitted to the Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) before the deadline will be assessed by the relevant regional sub-committee. Applicants will be updated throughout the scoring process on next steps and provisional timelines.

We hope to inform applicants of the outcome of their application in mid-January 2024, subject to clearance timings.

If you have any further questions about the assessment process for applications or timelines, email the ACCIA secretariat or call 020 7972 4608.


If you entered an application in 2023 or are considering applying in the future you may want to view our 2022 success stories, a series of recorded interviews of successful candidates from the 2022 awards round by the ACCIA Medical Director.

Medical Director appointment

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has confirmed the re-appointment of Professor Kevin Davies for a second term as the ACCIA Medical Director.

Professor Davies’ term will commence on 1 July 2023 for 3 years, ending on 30 June 2026. On his re-appointment Professor Davies notes:

I am delighted to have been re-appointed as Medical Director of the re-named Advisory Committee for Clinical Impact Awards for the next 3 years. My colleague Stuart Dollow, our chair, and everyone supporting us in the Department of Health and Social Care, have put a huge amount of work into launching the new scheme, and in 2022 we were able to recommend an increased number of awards to a more diverse range of applicants from centres all over England and Wales. It was particularly pleasing to see top awards going to consultants earlier in their career. Many such awardees had no previous award of any kind.

We made a number of important changes for 2023, notably the removal of external citations. While it is clearly the case that the inclusivity of the scheme is improving, with greatly increased diversity of award recipients in terms of both ethnicity and gender, we realise that it is still early days, and much work remains to be done in this area. Continuing in my role is very exciting for me, as it will enable me to see our plans come to fruition over the next 3 years.

I would strongly encourage any consultant who feels they are making an impact on the NHS at a national level to consider applying next year. As I say in our webinar, ‘The surest way not to get an award, is not to apply!’

See further details on the appointment and policy on public appointees.

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Published 11 May 2023