Press release

£2.8 million to prepare roads and rail for new nuclear power station

Funding will ready Somerset for major construction project.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Transport links in Bridgwater and Taunton will be upgraded with funding from the Department for Transport to ensure proper infrastructure is in place before the construction of the UK’s first nuclear power plant in over 20 years.

The funding will go towards fixing potholes and general roads maintenance, to avoid disruptive road works while the plant is being built. Rail stations at Bridgwater and Taunton will be improved to allow for greater passenger numbers and better connections with other modes of transport. The package also includes support for cyclists, with a new cycle route from Bridgwater to Hinkley Point providing a safe, efficient route for people wishing to get to the site by bike.

Transport Minister Baroness Kramer said:

The improved transport infrastructure for Somerset will support the area’s long term economic growth by providing public transport and cycle access to a nationally-important construction project.

The Hinkley Point C power station will employ at least 5000 people, generate business for local suppliers, and comes with significant investment in training and skills for local people. Transport to the power plant will be easier, safer and more environmentally friendly following these improvements.

Hinkley Point C will play crucial role in the UK’s future energy security.

The transport schemes have been agreed by the Department for Transport and the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which is made up of local councils and representatives from the private sector.

The 4 schemes are as follows:

  • £295,000 for a cycle route linking Bridgwater to Hinkley Point - this will see improved cycle facilities from Bridgwater to the site to begin in 2014 to 2015, it will include a cycle route separated from the road
  • £150,000 for a scheme linking Taunton’s new DfT-funded inner distributor road to the rail station, improving connections between the railway and power station, helping the workforce that is expected to travel by rail - the Taunton Northern Inner Distributor Road is due to be completed in 2014 to 2015
  • £800,000 for rail station improvements at Bridgwater, with the emphasis on linking trains with local bus services to allow the Hinkley workforce to get to and from the power station - the funding will ensure that the critical first phase improvements to the station and access are in place in good time
  • £1.6 million for roads maintenance - this early funding will allow existing roads to be improved in advance, reducing disruption and avoiding costs to the taxpayer for preventative work further down the line

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Published 11 September 2014