Press release

£36.5 million flood scheme begins in Hull

Repairs to defences will provide ongoing protection to 63,000 properties

Defences in need of repair

The project will repair defences on the River Hull that are aged and delapidated

The Environment Agency is launching a major flood defence scheme in Hull after securing £36.5 million in Government funding.

Work will begin this autumn on repairing flood defences that lie within a 7.5km stretch of the River Hull, helping to protect 63,000 properties in the city.

Some 39 riverside locations along the river have been identified as having defences that are in need of repair. These have aged or deteriorated over time, posing a risk of flooding when river levels are high. As part of the first phase of the project, the Environment Agency will repair damaged flood walls and other weak spots to ensure that the existing level of protection will be provided for years to come.

Initial surveying and construction work will start in autumn this year. The first phase of the project will be complete by 2019, and additional phases of work will follow.

Neil Longden, flood risk manager at the Environment Agency, said:

This investment is great news for Hull. It will provide reassurance to a significant number of properties that are at risk of flooding, and on top of that the strengthened defences will open up the river corridor for new development, regeneration and economic growth.

The River Hull Defences scheme is a large and complex project. We are working closely with landowners, businesses, river users and Hull City Council to develop the design and the works programme.

Floods Minister Thérèse Coffey said:

Hull is a fantastic city of great cultural importance and we are absolutely committed to better protecting homes and businesses here, and right across the Humber.

This £36.5m scheme is just the start of major flood defence improvements we are making in the area - and by 2021 we will invest a further £86m into the estuary reducing the risk of flooding for more than 50,000 homes.

Councillor Alan Clark, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities at Hull City Council, said:

I am delighted that the Government has recognised and committed this crucial investment into flood infrastructure for the city. We are working closely with the Environment Agency to deliver a flood scheme which reduces the risk of flooding from the River Hull for thousands of properties and to improve the river corridor.

Defences along the River Hull currently provide a 1-in-200 year protection, meaning that the defences reduce the risk of flooding to a 0.5% chance in any one year. The River Hull is also protected from tidal flooding by the Hull Tidal Surge Barrier, which is located at the confluence of the River Hull and the River Humber. During high tides and storm surges, the barrier is lowered to prevent tidal waters flowing back up the river.

In addition to the Environment Agency’s scheme, Hull City Council is continuing to carrying out work to reduce the risk of surface water flooding in the city.

Flood defences reduce the risk of flooding, but they do not totally eradicate it. Residents and businesses are urged to sign up for free flood warnings by visiting our flood advice pages or by calling Floodline on 0345 9881188.

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Published 23 August 2016