37th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Nauru
The UK delivers statement on Nauru at the 37th Session of Universal Periodic Review (UPR), sharing recommendations to improve their human rights record.
The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.
Thank you.
The United Kingdom appreciates Nauru’s continued participation in the UPR process. We commend Nauru’s efforts to implement the recommendations from the last review, despite capacity and resource constraints, and we welcome Nauru’s ongoing consultation with civil society in this process.
The United Kingdom acknowledges the challenges facing the Government in their efforts to address their human rights obligations, especially in the face of the growing impact of climate change, and we encourage Nauru to draw on available international technical assistance and expertise in this area.
We recommend that Nauru:
Develop and implement a national action plan on human trafficking and modern slavery and allocate a fully-funded budget to the national action plan.
Adopt an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections.
Protect and uphold the right to free and independent media in Nauru, including by reviewing prohibitively high foreign journalist visa fees to enable foreign journalists to visit the country.
Thank you.