UN Human Rights Council 42 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of Slavery
Ambassador Julian Braithwaite welcomed the report on contemporary and emerging forms of slavery and outlined that the UK looks forward to renewing the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
The Human Rights Council takes place in Geneva.
The United Kingdom wishes to address some remarks to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. The UK looks forward to renewing this mandate at this session.
Ms Bhoola, the UK wishes to put on record our sincere thanks for your dedication and the excellent work you have done throughout your tenure as Special Rapporteur. The UK has been pleased to engage with you at the most senior levels and we applaud the way in which you have worked with states, civil society and victims in pursuit of your mandate.
We welcome your report on contemporary and emerging forms of slavery and support your call for a coordinated and strategic international approach to tackling this heinous crime that affects every country in this room. We also recognise the importance of looking to future challenges, including migration, climate change, and shifts in global markets.
The UK continues to support the important role of Alliance 8.7 to mobilise and prioritise international resources, and agrees that the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery and the Pathfinder 8.7 initiative should be used as frameworks for coordinated international action. The UK welcomes the number of ratifications of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, and urges states that have not yet done so to consider its ratification.
The report notes that over 85 Governments have now endorsed the Call to Action to End Modern Slavery, launched in 2017. There is an urgent need to maintain international momentum on this agenda if we are to make significant inroads towards SDG target 8.7.
Madam Special Rapporteur,
How can countries in this room do more to maintain the momentum necessary to tackle the scourge of modern slavery?