43rd Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Liechtenstein
The UK delivered a statement during Liechtenstein’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Thank you, Mr Vice President,
First let me warmly welcome the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the other members of the Liechtenstein delegation.
The United Kingdom commends Liechtenstein’s human rights record and we look forward to its Presidency of the Council of Europe later this year.
Liechtenstein has made significant progress in furthering LGBT+ rights, including its recent decision allowing adoption by same-sex couples. We strongly encourage Liechtenstein to go further and enact legislation to grant the LGBT+ community the right to marry.
We recommend Liechtenstein:
Continues its work to strengthen rights and protections afforded to the LGBT+ community, including through enacting legislation to allow the marriage of same-sex couples.
Takes effective measures to systematically fight discrimination and xenophobia towards religious minorities.
Continues to pursue efforts to achieve de facto gender equality, especially in politics and in senior managerial positions, as women in Liechtenstein continue to be underrepresented.
Thank you, Mr President.