News story

A connected and autonomous vehicle ecosystem: apply for funding

Up to £55 million is available to develop test bed infrastructure that will improve and create world-leading capabilities in the UK.

Oxbotica's autonomous Geni vehicle on Thames Path Greenwich.

Oxbotica's autonomous Geni vehicle on Thames Path Greenwich.

The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) is investing up to £55 million to make the UK’s connected and autonomous vehicle testing ecosystem the world’s most effective.

Here in the UK we have a strong automotive and technology heartland in the West Midlands through to Europe’s only megacity, London. Projects should look to build on these strengths, integrating existing proving grounds and public road test sites to improve capabilities and create new ones, and develop a national cluster of excellence.

This competition is part of the test bed programme for the government’s Industrial Strategy.

Project streams

UK businesses and research organisations can make applications in 3 streams.

Stream 1

In stream 1 we are looking for projects that develop a public test environment in an urban, highly-dense city location. Up to £35 million is available to support up to 2 projects.

Stream 2

For this stream we are looking to fund one controlled test facility that is representative of an urban or city environment. Examples might be a semi-controlled environment, such as a university campus or science and industry park, or a simulator that incorporates physical elements into a virtual environment. Up to £7 million is available.

Stream 3

For this stream we are looking to fund one realistic, controlled high-speed, limit-handling environment. We expect this environment to allow the creation of a diverse range of test scenarios. This may include vehicle to everything (V2X) interactions, collision avoidance and limit handling. Simulators may also be included. Up to £13 million is available.

In all cases preference will be given to projects that can deliver operational facilities and be open for business within 12 to 18 months.

A map of the defined area for test facility sites. See the brief for a full explanation.

A map of the defined area for test facility sites. See the brief for a full explanation.

The background

CCAV is a joint policy unit by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the Department for Transport. Its aim is to ensure that the UK is a world leader in developing and testing connected and autonomous vehicles.

Funding is being provided by CCAV. It is being supported by Innovate UK.

Competition information

  • this competition opens on 3 April 2017
  • there will be a briefing event on 4 April 2017
  • the registration deadline is midday on 12 July 2017
  • the application deadline is midday on 19 July 2017
  • you must be a UK-based business, work collaboratively and carry out your project in the UK
  • test facilities should meet specified criteria, as outlined in the competition brief

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Published 4 April 2017