A UK Bill of Rights? - The Choice Before Us
The Commission on a Bill of Rights has delivered its report - A UK Bill of Rights? - The Choice Before Us - to the Government. On the…

The Commission on a Bill of Rights has today delivered its report - A UK Bill of Rights? - The Choice Before Us - to the Government.
On the key central issue of a UK Bill of Rights, seven of the Commission’s nine members believe that, on balance, there is a strong argument in favour of a UK Bill of Rights.
Commenting on the publication of the report, the Commission’s Chair, Sir Leigh Lewis, said:
‘We hope that our report, based as it is on extensive consultation, will help people to reach an informed view on the issues it covers. We are united in believing that there needs to be respect for the existence of different intellectually coherent viewpoints in relation to the human rights debate, and in believing that the debate needs to be well informed and not distorted by the stereotypes and caricatures that have all too often characterised it in recent years. We hope that all of those interested in these vitally important issues will read our report.’
Further details are available on the Commission on a Bill of Rights web page.