A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project development consent decision announced
The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project application has been granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Transport.

The project comprises the improvement of the A66 between the M6 at Penrith and the A1(M) at Scotch Corner. The existing route is 80km in length and intermittently dualled with approximately 30km of single carriageway, within six separate sections. The scheme comprises upgrades to the existing single carriageway sections of the road to dual carriageway. The scheme also includes junction improvements, minor improvements to the existing dual carriageway sections of the A66. On completion, the project will result in an 80km route with two lanes in both directions. This will improve journey time, safety and connectivity.
The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by National Highways on 21 June 2022 and accepted for Examination on 19 July 2022.
Following an Examination during which the public, Statutory Consultees and Interested Parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, recommendations were made to the Secretary of State on 07 August 2023.
This is the 133rd Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and 50th transport application to have been examined by The Planning Inspectorate within the timescales laid down in the Planning Act 2008.
The Planning Inspectorate has now examined more than 100 Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects since the Planning Act 2008 process was introduced, ensuring local communities have had the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them.
Local communities continue to be given the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them. Local people, the local authority and other Interested Parties were able to participate in this six-month Examination.
The Examining Authority listened and gave full consideration to all local views and the evidence gathered during the Examination before making its recommendation to the Secretary of State.
The decision, the recommendation made by the Examining Authority to the Secretary of State for Transport and the evidence considered by the Examining Authority in reaching its recommendation are publicly available on the project pages of the National Infrastructure Planning website.
Journalists wanting further information should contact the Planning Inspectorate Press Office, on 0303 444 5004 or 0303 444 5005 or email: