Accelerated Access Review prepares for interim report
The Accelerated Access Review (AAR) has paused its online engagement to analyse the feedback received and prepare its interim report.

The pause in online engagement will allow the independent chair, Sir Hugh Taylor, to put together his early thoughts about what the review might recommend in the report, which is due out in October.
The report will outline Sir Hugh’s emerging thinking and early stage proposals to help speed up access to transformative health technology that can help change the lives of NHS patients.
The review is no longer accepting responses to the preliminary questions it asked on the site, but the team continue to meet and discuss the review with stakeholders. These discussions will help inform Sir Hugh’s thinking more widely and to assist with creating and testing specific proposals ready for when the conversation reopens following publication of the interim report.
In the meantime, you can still explore the engagement platform to learn more about the review, read the comments and sign up to the Accelerated Access newsletter (at the top right of every page) to make sure you are among the first to get all the updates.