Advancing UK ties in Colorado
British Consul General Beverley Simpson visits the Western Slope of Colorado to promote regional links and partnerships with the UK.

Beverley undertook a 10 day visit to the region, starting in Steamboat Springs where she had the opportunity to meet a number of manufacturers as well as representatives of the ski industry and city council. Her tour then took her to Craig and Rangely where she was able to better understand the local energy and agriculture industries.
In Grand Junction the Consul General visited an award winning business incubator and met with officials from the local Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Office and Tourism Board.
At Colorado Mesa University Beverley discussed academic partnerships with the UK and gained a valuable understanding of the university’s new Unconventional Energy Center. She then toured several companies in Montrose including Gordon Composites which produces specialised fibre reinforced material used in everything from hunting bows to furniture springs.
During her visit to Palisade Beverley gave a presentation to local Chamber members on the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP), visited a local winery, peach processing plant and a wool mill. The Consul General’s visit ended with her attendance at the Club 20 Conference, which is an economic advocacy group for the region.
Throughout the trip Beverley promoted the strong UK-US relationship, TTIP, the G8 agenda and the work of the UK government in the region. She noted the services offered by UK Trade & Investment to the business community and the UK government’s consular support for British nationals.