Press release

Airports Commission welcomes judicial review decision

Airports Commission wins judicial review claim brought by Stop Stansted Expansion.

Departures board

The High Court today (2 December 2013) found in favour of the Airports Commission and dismissed the judicial review claim brought by Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE). The Court found that the declarations and orders sought by SSE in respect of the Commission’s sift criteria were not justified. The Court made an order for costs limited to £10,000 in the Airports Commission’s favour.

An Airports Commission spokesperson said:

The members of the Airports Commission welcome this decision. The Commission has sought throughout the past twelve months to be fair, open, transparent and robust in how it takes forward its work, including the development of its sift criteria. It is pleased that the Court has recognised this and its work will continue unaffected by this action.

Notes to editors

The Airports Commission was launched on 2 November 2012. Its terms of reference require that it should report no later than the end of 2013 on:

  • its assessment of the evidence on the nature, scale and timing of the steps needed to maintain the UK’s global hub status
  • its recommendation(s) for immediate actions to improve the use of existing runway capacity in the next 5 years – consistent with credible long term options

Its terms of reference also require that it should report no later than summer 2015 on:

  • its assessment of the options for meeting the UK’s international connectivity needs, including their economic, social and environmental impact
  • its recommendation(s) for the optimum approach to meeting any needs
  • its recommendation(s) for ensuring that the need is met as expeditiously as practicable within the required timescale

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Published 3 December 2013