All female Ambassadors posted to the Netherlands join influential Dutch SER Topvrouwen network
All 41 female ambassadors to the Netherlands, representing countries from all over the world, have joined the SER Topvrouwen network. SER Topvrouwen endorses the importance of increasing the number of women represented at the top levels of business in the Netherlands.

On 8 March we celebrate International Women’s Day, marking women’s achievements and contributions to our societies. However, women still encounter significant obstacles. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is to ‘Choose to Challenge’ and call out gender bias and inequality. The diplomatic community in the Netherlands and SER Topvrouwen are united in their mission for equal representation of women in business and government. Investing in the potential of women and girls benefits the whole of society and we have a shared responsibility to build a more inclusive world.
Joanna Roper, British Ambassador to the Netherlands, says:
The UK and the Netherlands are close partners, working together to promote gender equality and inclusion in our own countries and around the world. As part of our EmbasShe initiative, we strive to achieve equality for women and girls in all aspects of life: access to education, equal pay, and representation in top positions across all sectors.
Caroline Holtgrefe, SER Topvrouwen Director, says:
SER Topvrouwen is proud that the ambassadors have joined the SER Top Women network. This connection contributes to our shared mission. And no doubt we can learn from and inspire each other!
Adia Sakiqi, Albanian Ambassador to the Netherlands, says:
I am privileged to chair such a powerful and fast-growing group of the Women Ambassadors to the Netherlands. Becoming part of SER Topvrouwen will take our group to another level, that of connectivity, as this network is there to inspire, support and empower.
About SER Topvrouwen
SER Topvrouwen endorses the importance of having a larger share of women at the top levels of business in the Netherlands. By including women with talent and ambition in our database, we want to stimulate the rise of women to top positions. The database is open to women with relevant work experience in business or public and semi-public organisations at administrative, management or executive level. The desire to enhance innovative capacity and achieve balanced decision-making and the broadest possible sensitivity to development in society means that gender diversity in companies belongs at the top of the agenda in the boardroom. SER Topvrouwen will involve all parties – companies, executive search agencies, men and women – in the debate about diversity and accelerating diversity.
About The Women Ambassador Group NL
The Women Ambassadors Group is a collective of female Ambassadors accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The coordinator this year is the Albanian Ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Adia Sakiqi. The group organises events and highlights work by the female Ambassadors and like-minded organisations in the Netherlands.
About British Embassy The Hague
The British Embassy’s EmbasShe campaign has been active on gender equality and female leadership since 2018. The campaign focuses facilitating conversation and opportunities within the Embassy and by working with external partners. The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is dedicated to inclusion and diversity in all areas of work. The Girls Education campaign is one of their important foreign policy priorities this year. British Ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Joanna Roper previously served as the FCDO’s Special Envoy for Gender Equality.