Ambassador for a Day 2024: British Embassy Ulaanbaatar
The British Embassy in Ulaanbaatar invites female students in Mongolia aged 15 to 18 to enter a competition to be the British Ambassador for a Day.

Have you ever wondered what the day-to-day work of an Ambassador is like? This competition will give the winner the unique opportunity to shadow the UK Ambassador to Mongolia and learn about the work of an Ambassador and other diplomacy leaders.
Why you should enter this competition
11 October is ‘International Day of the Girl Child’ and this year’s theme is ‘Girls’ vision for the future’. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential.
This year’s theme conveys both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future. Today’s generation of girls is disproportionately affected by global crises of climate, conflict, poverty and pushback on hard won gains for human rights and gender equality. Too many girls are still denied their rights, restricting their choices and limiting their futures according to UN.
Still to this day there are too few women in international diplomacy, politics and business.
To end this underrepresentation, we want to encourage girls from young age to inspire and motivate them that they can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to in the future.
We encourage young students to become leaders and advocates for change by offering them the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the British Embassy in Ulaanbaatar.
You can enter this competition if, on 11 October 2024, you are:
- a Mongolian national
- aged 15 to 18 years old (on 11 October)
- available to spend a full day of activities with us at the British Embassy on 8 October 2024
You must record and submit a 90-second video answering one of these 3 questions:
- why should you be selected? What skills would you encourage girls to develop to reach their full potential?
- why should you be selected? If we invest more in the girls, what positive impacts it will bring?
- why should you be selected? What actions do you want governments to take to improve women’s participation in the higher level?
Important tips:
- creativity will be an important judging criteria
- the competition’s jury will be comprised of a diverse panel of the Embassy staff representing different backgrounds to ensure a fair and inclusive evaluation process
How to submit your entry
Please read our detailed @UK in Mongolia-British Embassy Ulaanbaatar and on Instagram @ukinmongolia. Please email your video and to by 11:59pm on 26 September 2024. Please use the title “Ambassador for a Day” in the subject line of the email.
before submitting your entry. Publish your video on your Facebook and Instagram account and tag us on FacebookDeadline
Make sure you enter the competition on time:
- competition opens: 13 September 2024
- deadline for applications: 26 September 2024
- competition winner announced: 1 October 2024