World news story

Ambassadors issue a statement of support for Sofia Pride 2015

Diplomats encourage people and institutions in Bulgaria to be open-minded and tolerant towards the LGBTI people.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Sofia Pride

Sofia Pride

We would like to convey our support to everyone who either actively participates in or backs this year’s Sofia Pride on 27 June 2015. Promoting the principle of equal treatment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people is an important aspect of a tolerant and respectful society.

Sofia Pride is an opportunity to promote human rights and tolerance, celebrate diversity, and denounce homophobia. The Pride March also increases visibility for Bulgarian LGBTI people and sends an important message to thousands of gays and lesbians across the country – you are not alone. By signing this statement, we stress that any democratic society should stand up for open-mindedness toward LGBTI people.

This is the 8th annual Sofia Pride and it focuses on countering discrimination and promoting LGBTI-inclusive education. In Pride events all across the world, gay and straight people come together for the principle that all citizens should have the same rights: to live, to love and to work without fear of discrimination. No one should ever be discriminated against on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. We are yet to achieve this goal – discrimination still exists everywhere, including in Bulgaria. LGBTI-inclusive education will help promote understanding among future generations and prevent discrimination. We encourage Bulgarians to join the Sofia Pride March and to embrace LGBTI people as equal citizens, without prejudice or discrimination, and to promote LGBTI rights.

We wish everyone a peaceful and happy celebration.


  • H. E. Mr. Roland Hauser, Ambassador of Austria
  • H. E. Mrs. Anick Van Calster, Ambassador of Belgium
  • H. E. Mrs. Ljerka Alajbeg, Ambassador of Croatia
  • H. E. Mr. Stavros Avgoustides, Ambassador of Cyprus
  • H. E. Mr. Christian Kønigsfeldt, Ambassador of Denmark
  • H. E. Mr. Harri Salmi, Ambassador of Finland
  • H. E. Mr. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes, Ambassador of France
  • H. E. Mr. Detlef Lingemann, Ambassador of Germany
  • H. E. Mr. John Biggar, Ambassador of Ireland
  • H. E. Mr. Marco Conticelli, Ambassador of Italy
  • H. E. Mr. Jean Faltz, Ambassador of Luxemburg
  • H. E. Mr. Tom J.M. van Oorschot, Ambassador of the Netherlands
  • H. E. Mrs. Guro Katharina H. Vikør, Ambassador of Norway
  • H. E. Mrs. Vanessa Calvert, Ambassador of South Africa
  • H. E. Mr. José Luis Tapia Vicente, Ambassador of Spain
  • H. E. Mrs. Helena Pilsas Ahlin, Ambassador of Sweden
  • H. E. Mrs Emma Hopkins, Ambassador of the United Kingdom
  • H. E. Mrs. Marcie B. Ries, Ambassador of the United States of America

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Published 22 June 2015