An innovative compressor design to improve infrared imaging performance
Case study from VERT Rotors who pitched their ideas to industry and investors at the CDE Marketplace on 27 April 2016.

VERT Rotor's miniature conical rotary compressor.
As an example application of their highly efficient, unique and versatile conical rotary compressor design, Edinburgh-based VERT Rotors received Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) funding to develop a prototype system that could significantly improve the quality and resolution of infrared imaging in small surveillance satellites.
In small imaging systems vibration isn’t desirable, but it is an inherent feature of current, state-of-the-art cryocoolers based on piston compressors. VERT Rotor’s miniature low-vibration cooling system is based on their conical rotary compressor technology. It can cool infrared image sensors on small satellites with very little vibration, thus eliminating this problem.
VERT Rotors has already started another project to upgrade their rotary cryocooling system for space simulation testing. In the future this could offer a step-change innovation for a future British space-surveillance capability.
Olly Dmitriev, Managing Director, VERT Rotors says:
CDE truly supports cutting-edge innovation. While everyone else is interested in proven technologies, CDE is looking for future breakthroughs to create unique competitive advantages. We were happy to be a part of this journey.
VERT Rotors designs and manufactures ultra-compact, low-vibration compressors for aerospace, medical and other applications. The SME, founded in 2013, has 7 full-time employees.
View the pitch presentation slides.
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CDE funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research. We work with the broadest possible range of science and technology providers, including academia and small companies, to develop cost-effective capabilities for UK armed forces and national security.
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