World news story

Analytical chemistry training comes to Ethiopia

Addis Ababa University is hosting a week-long training workshop for chemists in Africa.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Today sees the start of a week-long training workshop for analytical chemists in Africa, supported by GlaxoSmithKline and the Royal Society of Chemistry. The workshop is taking place at Addis Ababa University from 3–7 October 2016.

The programme was first begun in 2004, in Kenya, by Professor Anthony Gachanja and Dr Steve Lancaster, to train African scientists in the practical application of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), a widely-used analytical technique, which is crucial in everything from environmental monitoring to drug development and combating counterfeit drugs.

Now, with the help of a new five-year partnership between GSK and the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Pan Africa Chemistry Network (PACN), this training is being rolled out to Ghana, Nigeria and Ethiopia and will train more than 400 scientists, with participants attending from countries across the continent.

Zoe Zeliku, a volunteer from GSK, first went to Ethiopia in 2010, to work with the Centre for National Health Development in Addis Ababa. Now, she is returning as a trainer to share her expertise and enthusiasm for analytical chemistry.

I’ve always enjoyed training people, and my background is analytical chemistry”, she says.

This training is crucial in Ethiopia and other African countries, because analytical chemistry is so important and specialised.

The economy is growing and there’s more manufacturing, so it’s important that the scientists in the country themselves have the expertise. Not only will the training help with their current research, but if they’re going to start manufacturing their own medicine then it will be beneficial to have analytically trained scientists to back up the quality control process.

Dr Yonas Chebude, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Addis Ababa, who is hosting the workshop, explains what makes this scheme unique:

Two colleagues, one from Addis Ababa University and one from Bahir Dar University have volunteered to be trainers themselves. After the completion of the scheme, these trainers of trainers are expected to run their own training programs, passing on their skills to colleagues and students in other universities and institutions in Ethiopia and across Africa.

By training local chemists to train others, the scheme will leave a self-sustaining programme and lasting legacy in African science, building a network of in-country expertise and expertise sharing between countries.

Empowering our scientists with practical and analytical skills to solve our African problems is indeed aligned to meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. In addition the programme is sustainable as the trainers are in the region therefore the needs of the scientific fraternity will be addressed. This is indeed a beneficial partnership in our region as it builds on the capacity and capability in our institutions”, said Brook Worku, Enterprise General Manager, GlaxoSmithKline Ethiopia.

This course in Ethiopia attracted over 160 applications from 17 different countries across Africa, from researchers at all career stages. Of these a local committee and a trainer from GSK have selected 15 delegates who they feel will benefit most from the scheme. As well as attendees from Ethiopia, delegates are travelling across Africa to attend, from Tanzania, Uganda, South African and Sudan.

Dr Helen Driver, Senior Programme Manager, Africa, at the Royal Society of Chemistry, who manages the programme, is travelling to Ethiopia to attend the workshop. She says she’s most looking forward to seeing the participants get the opportunity to get hands-on with the equipment.

The real advantage of this course is that the trainees get the opportunity to take the instrument apart and put it back together”, says Helen.

This course will really give participants the confidence to do that. It’s important to not be afraid of the equipment. When they return to their institutions they will be able to use their new-found knowledge to maintain the instruments themselves, instead of relying on help from elsewhere.

Notes for editors:

PACN Network

The PACN was established in 2007 by the Royal Society of Chemistry. It aims to create a self-sustaining science base in Africa, to solve local challenges and contribute to global knowledge in the chemical sciences. As part of this, the network launched its own training programme in GC-MS. The programme has already trained more than 150 African scientists, who have gone on to publish more than 20 articles in scientific journals.

For more information on the PACN programme, see:


One of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, GSK is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. For further information please visit

  • Investing in Africa

GSK is investing in Africa to increase access to medicines, build capacity and deliver sustainable growth. Africa has long borne the highest rates of infectious diseases and now faces growing incidences of NCDs too. This dual health burden poses a significant obstacle in economic and social development. We are investing at least £100m in Africa over the next five years. Working with partners, we aim to provide a portfolio of relevant products and innovative pricing strategies, support African R&D expertise and increase local manufacturing capacity and capability.

  • Supporting open innovation and collaboration

We are investing £25 million to create the world’s first Africa Open Lab for NCD research, where GSK scientists and external researchers will work together to improve understanding of NCD variations in African patients. Our goal is to deliver 25 high-impact research projects. The NCD Open Lab builds on the success of our original Open Lab in Spain, which focuses on malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and other tropical diseases.

  • Developing products where they are needed

Increasing capability and capacity to manufacture medicines in Africa will create jobs and boost long-term economic prospects. We will invest in expanding our manufacturing capabilities to help ensure the sustainable production of medicines in Africa. To further increase the region’s skills base, we are establishing academic partnerships to promote the study of pharmaceutical science, healthcare policy and provision. In time, this will enhance local research, manufacturing and healthcare capability, helping to secure future investment and build vibrant healthcare economies.

Royal Society of Chemistry

We are the oldest chemical society in the world and in 2016 we’re celebrating 175 years of progress and people in the chemical sciences. Throughout the year, we’re sharing the stories of how our members past and present have helped to change the world with chemistry. With over 50,000 members and a knowledge business that spans the globe, we are the UK’s professional body for chemical scientists; a not for profit organisation with 175 years of history and an international vision of the future. We promote, support and celebrate chemistry. We work to shape the future of the chemical sciences for the benefit of science and humanity.

GSK and the Royal Society of Chemistry (PACN partnership)

As part of GSK’s commitment to investing in African academia, the company has entered into a partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry’s (RSC) Pan Africa Chemistry Network (PACN). GSK’s support will allow the Royal Society of Chemistry to significantly expand the programme of analytical chemistry training for African scientists. The training is delivered by a dedicated group of highly-experienced volunteers, and GSK’s involvement will utilise the experience of GSK staff and also, make the delivery model more sustainable through the implementation of a train-the-trainer model, developing African scientists into the trainers themselves.

Media Contacts:

Lizzy Ratcliffe
News and Media Executive
Royal Society of Chemistry
+44 (0)1223432486

Susan Gitau
Communications Executive
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Kenya Limited
+254 206933341

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Published 6 October 2016