News story

Animal medicine seizure notice: Products shipped from the USA stopped at Belfast Depot

Details of seizure notice served following a parcel addressed to premises in County Down was stopped at a Belfast depot.

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Sniffer Dog

The following veterinary medicine was identified by a courier company based at a Belfast depot. The product was then detained and subsequently seized by Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

This parcel was addressed to residential premises in County Down and was shipped from the USA. The parcel contained:

  • 100 x Wormal Phenothiazine Dibutyltin Dialurate Piperazine dewormer tablets

This product was intended for use in poultry and is not an authorised veterinary medicine in GB or NI.

The medicine was seized under Regulation 25 (Importation of unauthorised veterinary medicinal products) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.

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Published 25 August 2022