Appointment of Brian Tytherleigh as a member to the Youth Justice Board
The Secretary of State for Justice has announced the appointment of Brian Tytherleigh as a member to the Youth Justice Board.
The Secretary of State has appointed Mr Brian Tytherleigh as a member of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) until the end of December 2017.
Mr Tytherleigh’s career has focused on transformational change in non-governmental public bodies and departmental agencies. He was also instrumental in moving the Children’s Workforce Development Council into the Teaching Agency and overseeing its subsequent merger with National College of School Leadership to create the National College of Teaching and Leadership. Mr Tytherleigh is currently retired but holds the position of member of the Audit and Risk Committee at The Children’s Commissioner’s Office.
This prior experience makes him well suited to this role at YJB, both in terms of his experience in education and his expertise in children’s services, which will help contribute to the Board’s objectives and ambitions for reform of the youth justice system.
Appointments to YJB are made under the Act by the Secretary of State for Justice and are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments (CPA).
Under the Governance Code on Public Appointments, which came into effect on 1 January 2017, ministers can, in exceptional circumstances, make an appointment without a competition. The Secretary of State has decided to appoint Mr Tytherleigh as a Member of the YJB on these terms and, in accordance with the Code, has consulted the Commissioner for Public Appointments who has accepted the decision.