Appointment of Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire: 18 August 2021
The Queen has been pleased to appoint Professor Dame Hilary Chapman DBE as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the County of South Yorkshire.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint Professor Dame Hilary Chapman DBE as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the County of South Yorkshire on the retirement of Mr Andrew Coombe CVO on 5 November 2021.
Professor Dame Hilary Chapman DBE (58) has spent her entire career in nursing. She began and ended her main NHS career in Sheffield, retiring three years ago as Chief Nurse at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; she now works as an independent professional consultant. She co-led the development of the Safer Nursing Care Tool, which is now used widely in hospitals across the UK. She is an Honorary Professor at Sheffield Hallam University, an Honorary Doctor of Medicine at Sheffield University, a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and has served on the National Institute for Healthcare Research Advisory Board. She has been a Deputy Lieutenant since 2016.
Dame Hilary lives near Barnsley with her husband Neil.