Appointment of new Commissioners to the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission
New Commissioners have been appointed to the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission.

Following a competitive application process the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission (MACC) with effect from 1 August 2019.
Adam Smith is Professor of United States History at UCL, but from 1 August 2019 will be the Edward Orsborn Professor of US Politics and Political History and Director of the Rothermere American Institute (RAI) at the University of Oxford.
Adrian Greer is currently the Chief Operating Officer for the British Council and will step down from that role on 10th May this year. He has 12 years Board level experience in the British Council, at the University of St Andrews and as a Director of BC Holdings.
Judith Buchanan is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Professor of Film and Literature at the University of York. She has worked at the University in various capacities, including as Director of the Humanities Research Centre, since 2000. She was a Fulbright scholar from 1992-1993.
Leslie Vinjamuri is the Dean of the Queen Elizabeth II Academy and also Head of the US and Americas programme at Chatham House, having previously worked as Director of the Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice at SOAS University, where she remains a member of academic staff.
Commenting on the appointment Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minster of State, Rt. Hon Mark Field MP said:
The Marshall Scholarship Scheme is an exceptional programme and demonstrates the ongoing, close relationship between the UK and the US. Our Marshall scholars will have an opportunity not only to study in the UK’s world leading higher education system but to develop a lasting understanding of British society, building life-long connections.
I am grateful to the Marshall Commissioners for volunteering their time to ensure the continued success of the programme. I know we will see more alumni use this opportunity the UK has given to them to go on to become prominent leaders, joining prestigious company like the Chairman and co-founder of LinkedIn, a NASA Astronaut currently at the International Space Station and two current Supreme Court Justices.
MACC Chairman Christopher Fisher added:
I am delighted that we have been able to attract such high calibre individuals to become new Marshall Commissioners, and would like to record the Commission’s appreciation of the service of the four Commissioners who are completing their terms with us: Professor Brian Cantor, Janet Legrand, Professor Simon Newman and Barbara Ridpath.
The Marshall Scholarship Programme has a fantastic track record in contributing to the enduring strength of UK-US ties. The Commission is fully committed to sustaining the scale, quality and vitality of this successful programme.
The Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission administers the British Marshall Scholarship scheme, which finances young Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree in the UK.
Scholars are selected each year to study at graduate level at a UK institution in any field of study. As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions.
Commissioners serve for a term of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for a second term. The appointment is unpaid.
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