Appointment of the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
The Secretary of State has announced the Royal Appointment of the Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission.

Helen Pitcher has been appointed as Chair of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) from 1 November 2018 for 3 years. Helen will initially commence as a Commissioner, on a Chair Designate basis from 1 October 2018.
CCRC’s role is to investigate and review cases where it is alleged that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred in relation to conviction, sentence or both. Publicly appointed Commissioners are the Commission’s decision makers, playing a central role in casework by being directly responsible for deciding whether or not particular convictions or sentences should be referred to the courts.
Appointments to CCRC are made by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
Appointments and re-appointments to CCRC are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. This appointment has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.
Helen Pitcher is an experienced Board member, Chairman, Board facilitator and Coach. She works across the range of Professional Service firms, FTSE 100, Private Equity and Family firms. In addition to her Advanced Boardroom Excellence role which consults on Board effectiveness, other Board roles are:
- Chairman Pladis (United Biscuits, Godiva, Ülker Bisküvi)
- Chairman of KidsOut a National Children’s Charity
- President of INSEAD Directors Network Board (IDN)
- Board member CIPD
- Chairman of a number of Committees across these Boards (Audit, Remuneration, Nominations)
Helen is on the Advisory Board for Leeds University Law Faculty and was also Chairman of the Queen’s Counsel Selection Panel for 8 years until February 2017.