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Apprenticeships from across industry showcased at The Skills Show 2017

The Skills Show, the nation’s largest skills, apprenticeships and careers event is taking place from today, Thursday 16 November at the NEC in Birmingham.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Skills Show

The National Apprenticeship Service will be present over the 3 day event, talking to thousands of people about the benefits of apprenticeships and the many opportunities available.

The National Apprenticeship Service will have stands in Hall 6 and Hall 17, and a further stand in the Staffroom – an area dedicated to careers advisers, teachers and parents. The University Zone, with a focus on higher and degree apprenticeships, is being supported by HEFCE and UVAC whilst Spotlight sessions are scheduled to take place over the three days, covering general information on apprenticeships and ‘Meet the Apprentice’ talks.

Skills Show apprenticeship stands

Three apprentice conferences all take place on Thursday too – with an Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (AAN) and Young Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (YAAN) conference, which includes the launch of the YAAN by Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Anne Milton. This will be followed by an Employer Conference, being attended by the Chair of the Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network, Helen Grant MP. A Public Sector Conference is also taking place.

Anne Milton at YAAN launch

During day 1 of the Skills Show the National Apprenticeship Service will also formally announce the theme of National Apprenticeship Week 2018 – taking place from 5 to 9 March. The theme - Apprenticeships Work – will celebrate the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers, local communities and the wider economy.

Sue Husband, director, National Apprenticeship Service added:

The Skills Show will give us the opportunity to talk to young people, parents, teachers and adults looking for a career change, amongst others, about the range of careers on offer through apprenticeships. It is important that we use this opportunity to tell everyone who attends that no matter who you are, how old you are, or where you are from, an apprenticeship will help you achieve your career ambition.

There are conferences taking place at the Skills Show that allow us to celebrate apprenticeships along with our partners and this year it is great for us to have so many apprentice ambassadors joining us.

Having a captive audience at the Skills Show also gives us a great platform to announce the theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2018. Having employer and apprentice support over the course of National Apprenticeship Week is paramount to its success and I look forward to seeing how both apprentices and employers alike get involved.

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Published 16 November 2017