Attorney General to defend Brexit legal challenge
Attorney General to defend Brexit legal challenge in the High Court

The Attorney General Jeremy Wright QC MP, James Eadie QC, Jason Coppel QC, Tom Cross and Christopher Knight have been named as the counsel who will ask the High Court to reject a claim that legal obstacles stand in the way of Government giving effect to the referendum result and triggering Article 50.
The Attorney General Jeremy Wright QC MP said: “The country voted to leave the European Union, in a referendum approved by Act of Parliament. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to re-join it through the back door, and no second referendum. We do not believe this case has legal merit. The result should be respected and the Government intends to do just that.”
The Attorney will appear at the hearings in the High Court on 13 and 17th October.
The detailed grounds filed with the court by the Secretary of State assert: “The Government intends to give effect to the outcome of the referendum by bringing about the exit of the UK from the EU. That is a proper constitutional and lawful step to take in light of the referendum result.”