Press release

August 2014 Transaction Data

The data published on this page provides information about the number and types of applications that Land Registry completed in August 2014.

  • Land Registry completes 1,265,951 applications
  • South East tops the table of regional applications with 292,914
  • Birmingham tops the table of local authority applications with 19,694

The Transaction Data shows Land Registry completed over 1,265,950 applications from its customers in August. This includes 1,224,587 applications by account customers, of which 323,351 were applications in respect of registered land (dealings); 540,916 were applications to obtain an official copy of a register or title plan; 181,540 were searches and 85,432 were transactions for value.

Applications by region

Region Applications
South East 292,914
Greater London 240,232
North West 141,818
South West 127,229
West Midlands 106,784
Yorks & Humber 99,880
East Midlands 89,614
Wales 58,505
North 57,275
East Anglia 51,616
England & Wales (not assigned) 59
Isles of Scilly 25
Total 1,265,951

Top three local authorities

Top three local authorities Applications
Birmingham 19,694
City of Westminster 17,598
Leeds 14,787

Top three customers by transactions for value

Top three customers Transactions for value
My Home Move Limited 1,695
Countrywide Property Lawyers 845
O’Neill Patient 714

Top three customers by searches

Top three customers Searches
Enact 6,268
Optima Legal Services 4,807
O’Neill Patient 4,296

Access the full dataset


Notes to editors

  1. Transaction Data is published on the fifteenth working day of each month. The September Transaction Data will be published at 11am on Tuesday 21 October 2014.
  2. The monthly Transaction Data shows how many applications for first registrations, leases, transfers of part, dealings, official copies and searches lodged by Land Registry account customers were completed. Explanation of the terms used
  3. Transactions for value include freehold and leasehold sales.
  4. Most searches carried out by a solicitor or conveyancer are to protect the purchase and/or mortgage. For example, a search will give the buyer priority for an application to Land Registry to register the purchase of the property. For information about the different types of search.
  5. As a government department established in 1862, executive agency and trading fund responsible to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Land Registry keeps and maintains the Land Register for England and Wales. The Land Register has been an open document since 1990.
  6. With the largest transactional database of its kind detailing almost 24 million titles, Land Registry underpins the economy by safeguarding ownership of many billions of pounds worth of property.
  7. For further information about Land Registry visit
  8. Follow us on Twitter @LandRegGov. Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook and our blog.


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Published 19 September 2014