World news story

British Embassy hosts “Mini-Olympics” in Vienna

Everyone a winner as 50 children celebrate London 2012 legacy with Paralympic athlete

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
VIC sports day, Vienna, Austria, September 2013

Ambassador Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque hosted a family sports event in mid-August bringing together 50 children (age 5 to 13) from the Vienna International Centre Summer Camp. The children competed in various disciplines to celebrate sport, equality and togetherness, Austrian Paralympic Gold medallist Wolfgang Schattauer joined the Ambassador in handing out certificates and presents to all participants.

Austrian paralympic medal winner, Wolfgang Schattauer

Schattauer won two bronze medals in London and a gold medal in Beijing in the Handbike Race. Two weeks after the Mini-Olympics in Vienna, he competed in the World Paracycling Championships in Canada, coming 7th in the Road Race. Schattauer happily answered the children’s questions and told them about his experience in London last year.

Ambassador Susan le Jeune d'Allegeershecque

Addressing the children Ambassador Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque said:

We are very pleased to have such a great athlete with us. Wolfgang showed that with hard work and determination everything can be possible.

This is what made the London Olympics so great and this why I am very proud of the fantastic effort that all of you made today.

Check out our Flickr page for more images of the day:

HMA Susan le Jeune d'Allegeershecque and the Austrian paralympic medal winner, Wolfgang Schattauer, at the VIC Summer Camp sports day

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Published 12 September 2013
Last updated 16 September 2013 + show all updates
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