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#BackClimateAction tweetathon 2015

DECC is running a tweetathon to raise awareness and support for the UN Climate Change talks in Paris (COP21). Find out how you can get involved.


Take part in a global conversation and tweet #BackClimateAction to join organisations from retail, transport and energy sectors amongst others to see why we need to tackle climate change and what businesses are doing to go low carbon.

Get involved using #BackClimateAction and follow @DECCgovuk.

The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction target

DECC’s 2014 tweetathon involved over 70 partners with #BackClimateAction trending in 5th place in the UK on the day.

This year, we’re expanding the tweetathon to run for a week, from Monday 30 November to Friday 4 December, to coincide with the first week of the UN’s Conference of the Parties (COP) climate change meeting in Paris.

To help direct the conversation and ensure we cover a wide variety of topics, each day of the week will feature a different theme and different organisations tweeting about what they’re doing to tackle climate change.

Get involved using #BackClimateAction and follow @DECCgovuk.

Monday 30 November – Global action

View a summary of the day on DECC’s Storify feed

8 to 9am: Introduction to the day
9 to 10am: Why is action needed? The science behind climate change (part I) Prof Martin Siegert: @mjsiegert @Grantham_IC
DECC Science team: @DECCgovuk
12 to 1pm: The science behind climate change (part II) and what do businesses think? PWC
Met Office: @metoffice
Climate Group: @climategroup
Royal Society: @royalsociety
5 to 6pm: How can business help achieve climate goals and what are they doing? Aldersgate Group: @aldersgategrp, @nickmolho
Sky: @skybiggerpic
International Chambers of Commerce: @iccwbouk and @iccwbo
Business in the Community: @BITC
Climate Reality: @ClimateReality

Tuesday 1 December – My low-carbon life

View a summary of the day on DECC’s Storify feed

8 to 9am: Introduction to the day
12 to 1pm: Energy innovations that will save energy, emissions and money Kingfisher: @kingfisherplc
BT: @BTBetterFuture
Energy Saving Trust: @energysvgtrust
Smart Energy GB: @SmartEnergyGB
Colour Elements: @colourelements
5 to 6pm: Focus on food and health Diageo: @Diageo_News
United Biscuits: @unitedbiscuits
Britvic: @britvic
McCain: @McCainFoodsGB
Food and Drinks Federation: @Foodanddrinkfed
Tesco: @TescoandSociety
South West Water: @SouthWestWater
Public Health England:@PHE_uk

Wednesday 2 December – UK Energy innovation

View a summary of the day on DECC’s Storify feed

8 to 9am: Introduction to the day
12 to 1pm: Power responsiveness DECC Chief Scientific Advisor: @DECCgovuk
National Grid: @nationalgriduk
Anglian Water: @AnglianWater
Open Energi: @openenergi
2:30 to 3:30pm: Ministerial session Lord Bourne: @DECCgovuk
5 to 6pm: Focus on technology innovation BIS: @BISgovuk
ETI: @the_ETI
KPMG: @kpmguk
Innovate UK: @innovateuk and @chringlis
Energy UK: @EnergyUKcomms
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation: @EdCentreCC

Thursday 3 December – Future of cities

View a summary of the day on DECC’s Storify feed

8 to 9am: Introduction to the day
12 to 1pm: The importance of cities in tackling climate change, including architecture and buildings Mayor of London (Environment): @LDN_environment
New Climate Economy: @NewClimateEcon
Interface: @Interface_UK
C40: @C40cities
Manchester City Council: @ManCityCouncil
Cardiff Council: @cardiffcouncil
Bristol City Council: @BristolCouncil
Mott MacDonald Group: @MottMacDonald
Pavegen Systems: @Pavegen
Land Securities: @LandSecurities
Energy systems catapult: @EnergySysCat
Judit Kimpian: @JuditKimpian (Director of Sustainable Architecture and Research at @AHRglobal)
RIBA: @riba
1 to 2pm: Ministerial session Secretary of State Amber Rudd: @DECCgovuk
5 to 6pm: Focus on transport Formula E: @FIAformulaE
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership: @theLowCVP
DfT: @transportgovuk and @OLEVgovuk

Friday 4 December – Finance/insurance and wrap up discussion

View a summary of the day on DECC’s Storify feed

8 to 9am: Introduction to the day
12 to 1pm: How the insurance/finance industries are responding to climate change Aviva: @Avivaplc
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: @actuarynews
Standard & Poor: @StandardPoors
Green Investment Bank: @GreenInvBank
Zurich Insurance: @ZurichInsUK
Association of British Insurers: @BritishInsurers
1 to 2pm: Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group The Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group: @ClimateCLG
Eliot Whittington, Deputy Director of The Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group: @whittso
Joe Franses, Director of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Coca Cola: @JoeFranses and @CokeCCE
Rob Boogaard President & CEO of Interface EMEA: @boogaard_rob
Published 27 November 2015