Bangalore companies win trip to Cambridge
Jubilant Biosys Ltd and Metaome Science Informatics Pvt. Ltd. will visit Cambridge and explore building partnerships with Cambridge-based researchers and companies.

Jubilant Biosys Ltd and Metaome Science Informatics Pvt. Ltd. have been declared the winners of the Bangalore-Cambridge Biotech Innovation Contest, which began September 2013.
The contest was launched as part of the GREAT campaign in Bangalore to find the city’s most innovative Biotech or Medtech Company looking to expand overseas. Jubilant Biosys Ltd. is seeking research and business partners in Cambridge for fragment-based drug discovery project in cancer research while Metaome would like to explore possibilities of developing novel computational products by partnering with the Cambridge’s computer science and biosciences community.
Dr Vince Cable, the UK’s Secretary of State (Minister) for Business, Innovation and Skills, announced the winner today during a meeting with senior Indian investors in the UK, in Bangalore. Dr Cable said:
The UK has a world-class research base and cutting edge innovation ecosystem, with Cambridge right at its heart. It is a pleasure to be able to share this with some of Bangalore’s finest biotech businesses.
The Bangalore-Cambridge Biotech Innovation Contest winners will get a two-week visit to Cambridge to explore the opportunity to meet potential business partners and researchers in the UK. The contest was organised by the Science & Innovation Network, along the University of Cambridge, as part of the Bangalore-Cambridge Innovation Network.
Dr Cable said:
Economic recovery remains a central priority for the UK and our industrial strategy is a key element in giving businesses the confidence to invest. Trade has lagged in recent years but I am delighted that UK exports to India have grown by some 20% this year. We have always had a special relationship between our countries and I am keen to push business collaboration much further as we work towards doubling trade with India by 2015.
British deputy high commissioner Ian Felton said:
I am delighted that Bangalore based companies will develop their exciting business ideas with Cambridge - further deepening the existing UK-Bangalore innovation network.
Jubilant Biosys Ltd., a Bangalore-based subsidiary of Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd., provides integrated drug discovery solutions to the global pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Subir Kumar Basak, President, Jubilant Biosys Ltd., said:
Cambridge is a well-regarded seat of innovation in science and technology and we are very pleased receive the Bangalore-Cambridge Innovation Network Contest Award, which offers the potential to collaborate with partners in Cambridge.
Metaome Science Informatics Pvt. Ltd., a lifesciences-focussed ‘big data’ company based in Bangalore, delivers knowledge-mining solutions to unlock competitive advantage through its data integration and semantic search platform. Ramkumar Nandakumar, founder & CTO, Metaome, said:
Cambridge has pioneered the art of converting great scientific and technical ideas into successful businesses. As an innovative science informatics company, Metaome is excited about forming strategic alliances in the vibrant and thriving Cambridge ecosystem. We look forward to forging business partnerships and academic research collaborations further enhancing the special connection between Bangalore and Cambridge.
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